Chapter 1: When Fantasy Met Science Fiction

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Luz was barely half awake when the slamming of wood against wood echoed through her storage closet that was a makeshift bedroom.

She sat straight up in a bolt of lightning, throwing her blanket of her stomach and a sleeping King off of her forehead. Who planted his head right onto the floor. The little guy squeaked in pain as his tiny body rolled over until he was right side up.

"I didn't take the cookie mama!" Luz screamed believing she was still sleeping.

However she shook her head and realized that it was morning. Pretty early as well, the young witch couldn't even see the soft glow of yellow peering in through the window. The only light she saw was the one coming from her wide open door that was blocked by a figure standing in front of her bed.

"Rise and shine Luz, it's Saturday!" Eda exclaimed as she turned a lamp on to illuminate the room.

King walked past her massaging his skull, "Isn't it a little early for a Saturday, and for you in general?" he groaned while curling up onto a throw pillow.

"Yeah, you usually don't wake up until Hooty starts talking loudly into your ear." Luz stated rubbing her eyes to adjust her sight.

"Well today is special." Eda proclaimed taking out a rolled up piece of parchment.

"More special than a regular Saturday!" Luz gasped getting out of bed.

The Owl Lady let the parcel unravel to reveal the contents it had inside. The first thing that was noticed was the large navy blue mushroom that was drawn on the top half of the paper with bold letters spelling: GLUUMUK MUSHROOMS.

"Even better, its the first day of Gluumuk Mushroom season!" Eda shouted pumping her fist in the air.

In confusion, Luz tilted her head, "I... don't really see how that's very exciting." Her head went straight and she went bright eyed, "Unless these Glue-uh-mud Mushrooms are actually natural sources of magic that witches use to amplify their power!"

"If by that you mean its a delicacy around BonesBorough and tastes great deep fried then you are correct!"

"Oh." Luz pouted before a wooden box that she assumed was the cause of the commotion that woke her up was stuffed into her arms.

"Get dressed kid, we gotta get as many of those little things before other harvesters come to take all the good ones!" Eda rushed out of the room and went to go get ready as well.

Before going to get her wardrobe, Luz kneeled down to the small cuddled King who was flipping his tail around like a cat's when sleeping. "Hey my little guy, wanna come with us?"

"Nyeh." mumbled King as he rolled over to the opposite side to not be facing Luz.

Although a little disappointed in her little companion's unwillingness to come, she just couldn't find it in herself to wake him up when he looked so adorable. "Ah, okay you win. But you aren't allowed to have John Luke carried around the house for the day."

"Mmm, fine." he snapped adjusting his shoulder.

Roughly ten minutes later the young teen came downstairs in her day clothes carrying the large empty crate with difficulty due to its bulky size. With a yawn, she asked as soon as she saw Eda holding her staff, "So why do you need to pick these mushrooms at 5 AM again?"

"For too many years I keep getting left the pipsqueak sized ones every harvest. But not this time, Eda is going for the big boys before anyone even gets to see them." The Owl Lady declared picking up a similar crate.

"So you woke up at the crack of dawn?" Luz asked as she followed Eda towards the door.

She smirked, "Can't have any competition if everyone's asleep."

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