chapter 2: resting

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A coupl of hours later

Pearl:speed why don't you introduce us to your new friend

Speed:well the thing is leafy is hugging him and crying and calling him big brother

In the background

Leafy:*hugging white while crying a river*where did you go big brother i was so scared

Lazuli:*trying to pull leafy off of white*sis let go of white he left me in charge and he had a good reason to leave us

Solar flare:*staring at them awkwardly*

White:*not showing any emotions*

Back too pearl and speedy

Speedy:*finishes setting the plates down*

Pearl:*finishes cooking dinner*dinner's ready

A few minutes later

Pearl: soooooo lazuli,leafy care to explane how you know this stranger

Lazuli:first of all his name is white and we were childhood friends and leafy thinks of him as an older brother since he has been protecting us from wild pokemon and he's a dragon type Eeveelution and he acts like he's scared of everything or being shy

Pearl:o....k too much information,so speedy got any info on his family

Speedy:yes, actually he said his father was a jolteon who escaped a wild pokemon attack and died years later, on the same day that his father escaped the wild pokemon his mother a Flareon is out there somewhere ,but his uncle died,and his 3 siblings are unknown

Pearl:did you ask him if he can stay here

Speedy:not yet,I'll do it after dinner

At the background

White:*sniffing yellow fur then sniff's the air*this scent is like my fathers *closes eyes and follows the scent leading to the dining area*

Pokedex entry for draceon

Their nose are very sensitive to the point that they can track family members by just sniffing a family members trait  (trait as in fur,leaf ECT.)

White:*opens the door to the dining area*.....

Pearl:so your name is white right

White:yes and you are

Pearl:my names pearl nice too meet you

Black:my names black

Flare:I'm solar flare or flare for short

Silvia:my names Silvia

Crystal:my names crystal

Sunshine:my names sunshine

Axel:hi my names Axel

White: nice too meet you can i have some berries to eat

Flare:Shure it's at the back let me help you

White:no need i can manage *pulls out an oran berry leaf and follows the scent,leaves to get some berries*

Lazuli: well that was new

Leafy:well he is one of the newest eeveelution so it hasn't been researched yet

Later at midnight

White:*sleeping in the backyard*

Chapter end

Jolt:this is an apology for not posting new pages

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