chapter 4:staying

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The next day

Flare:*watering the plants they had*

White:*got wet,groans and emerges out is the oranbery Bush*


White:*sees flare*oh sorry flare i usually sleep under bushes since I don't have a home

Flare:no it's ok ,wait you don't have a house

White:no I'm traveling and looking for my other family members so i sleep in caves ,on a tree branch,or under a bush too keep safe from wild Pokemons

Flare:oh sorry for doing that to you

White: no it's ok I always take a bath in the morning say is that pond ok to dive in?

Flare:sure go ahead

White: woohoo *jumps and spreads wings to dive into the pond*

Flare:*continues to water the plants


White:ahh a nice bath in the morning what could you ask for

???:this *pulls white down*

White: ahhhhhh what the

???:calm down it's just me crystal

White:oh *swims back up to the surface* wow this pond is deep

Crystal:*swims to the surface*you can say that again

White:i think I might just stay here for a bit

Inside the house

Speedy: has anyone seen white?

Flare:*comes in*

Speedy:*looks at flare*have you seen white flare

Flare:oh he's in the pond

Speedy:thanks flare *goes out to find white*


White:this was fun Cris hope we can do it ag-

Wild pokemon appears

White:Cris get inside *gets on a fitting stance

Cris:what why

White:there's a wild pokemon behind you and they are very dangerous

Cris: please calm down a- *turns around*

Wild pokemon:*glaring at Cristal*

Cris:*swims deeper in the pond*

White:*spreads wings and uses Arial ace*it's a Druddigon

Druddigon:*dodges it and about to use dragon claw*

Speedy:*uses Thunderbolt and hits the Druddigon*

White:*barrages the Druddigon with dragon claw and accidentally touches the beserk virus*

Speedy:*sees his eyes flickering to white with red pupil to his normal eye color*

White: beserk virus eliminated

Chapter end

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