Obsession - Dream x George

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OBSESSION - Dream x George
He was obsessed with him...
[TW/CW: NSFW/Lime]

George knew it was bad. He had realized that a long time ago. But he couldn't find it in himself to care. Not when it was him.

Not when it was Dream.

Everything about that man was perfect. George knew that even before they started living together. Seeing his face only made that fact much more apparent. His figure, his facial features, his personality, everything about Dream was perfect.

And George was obsessed with him.

He was obsessed with his emerald green eyes. He was obsessed with the dirty blonde mess of curls on Dream's head. He was obsessed with how sharp Dream's jawline was, and how it was often covered in a soft stubble the same color as his hair.

Let's not forget George's obsession with Dream's hands, and the veins that traveled from his hands up his arms, subtly disappearing beneath tanned skin.

It would be foolish of George to deny his hand kink. It would also be foolish of him to deny his feelings for Dream.

Everything was tolerable when George still lived miles away. Though, he had his habits.

He often spent late nights with a hand around himself as he thought about the blonde. At first, he hated himself for it. (And maybe he still does, not that he would care). But the more often he'd jerk himself with a too-quick hand, moaning Dream's name as he covered himself in filth, he cared less about it being wrong.

Sure, Dream was his best friend. Sure, Dream had shown no signs of having any interest in George. And sure, George may have become pathetically obsessed with fantasizing about his best friend.

But he stopped caring a long time ago.

Moving in with Dream only made it worse. The blonde's teasing jokes effected George differently in person. In a good or bad way, George didn't really care. He just knew that it made him feel something.

He only rendered it as a bad thing when he locked himself in the bathroom, pathetically hard from a stupid, teasing joke Dream had made. He only rendered it as a bad thing when he spilled filth all over himself just from Dream's stupid, teasing jokes.

It was almost like Dream was doing it on purpose.

Unbeknownst to George, he was doing it on purpose.

Unbeknownst to George, Dream lusted over George just as much as George lusted over Dream. So yes, he was doing it on purpose. He didn't know it had any effect on George, other than George getting flustered.

He had no idea George had spent countless nights coming all over himself just from thinking sinful things about the blonde. He had no idea George had been doing exactly that not too far away in the upstairs bathroom.

Apart from the blush that would appear on George's face, Dream never realized just how much his teasing and joking around effected George.

Until he did realize it.

The two sat on the couch in their living room. George had picked some cheesy rom-com movie to watch, even though he knew he wouldn't be able to pay attention to it.

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