Chapter Five

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Andie woke up in her tent on top of her sleeping bag. Jeans and t-shirt clinging to her by sweat. She rose quickly, then stopped when a sudden dizziness came to her head.

"What the-" she groaned, "Ouch."

Why does my head hurt so bad? she questioned, What did we do last night that-

She gasped and winced in pain. Grabbing her head, flashes of the night before pushed through her thoughts. She saw the orb, how it hovered above the ground easily. She saw the jagged lines of light running up her arms. She saw her friends lying limp on the ground.

My friends!

Andie slowly got up and pulled on a new set of clothes. She went out and washed her face from sweat and tears, then headed over to Rian's tent across the campfire.

"Rian," she whispered into the tent as she pulled back the zipper flap, "Rian are you in here?" As she opened the tent she saw Rian.

She was sitting curled up on her sleeping bag, rocking back and forth, tears in her eyes.

"Andie?" she shakily said, "Andie, what happened?"

Andie gasped. "Rian, what happened to you? Did..." she paused, "Did you get a flash of pain, too?"

Rian looked into Andie's eyes. Andie could see her pain and automatically knew the answer to her question.

If Rian had a flash, I wonder if Dre and Brandon did, too.

"Come on, Rian." she said, holding out her hand, "Let's go see the boys."


Andie and Rian had gone to the boys' tents to check on them. It turned out that both of the boys had also gotten flashes of the night before. All of them had felt pain and seen the same thing.

Sitting in Dre's tent, they all talked about what might have happened that night, and why they had that flash.

"Well I think that we just got pranked somehow." Brandon said, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation.

"Brandon, really?" Rian said, "How the heck would that even be possible? They made a floating orb and sent lights up our limbs? That doesn't make any sense!"

"None of it does." Andie whispered. Dre noticed her being so quiet and added to the conversation.

"Ok, whatever that glowy thing was, we should all agree that we tell no one about this. No one at all." he stated. "Not even our parents."

"Yeah, 'cause they would believe us." Andie snarked.

They all agreed not to say anything to anyone. Then they sat in silence until it was time to pack up and leave for home.


Touch the orb, Touch the orb...

Andie woke up and gasped. She was drenched in sweat, her bedsheets clinging to her skin. She had been tossing and turning all night, remembering the voice that was replaying in her head.


Ugh, again. she thought. Its been the same thing for two weeks.

Pulling the covers off of her clammy body, Andie sat up and turned to the clock on her nightstand. It read "2:38 AM".

"I really need to get over this stupid nightmare," she whispered to herself, "I haven't had a goodnight's sleep in forever."

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