Chapter Six

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"Alright, let's get this thing started." Rian said, "We need to see what powers we have. That floating orb thing somehow made us superheroes, so we need to know how to control it. Who wants to go first?"

They all looked at each other and waited. Dre spoke up first.

"Ok, so Brandon is the video game and comic book nerd among us four, so he should know what powers we have. So, I'll go first." He paused, "You guys may want to take cover."

Rian, Andie and Brandon walked in confusion behind the couch.

"Ok," Dre started, shaking his hands and bouncing, "I want... a book to come to me."

As soon as he finished his sentence, the room started spinning. Everything went around in a hurricane again, until a singular book was plucked from the storm and flew straight to Dre's outstretched hand.

Everything stopped.

"Whoa." Andie said in shock. The three behind the couch rose up.

"Yeah, pretty cool, right?" he said, staring at the book. "Any idea what that was, Brandon?"

Brandon stroked his chin, "That looked like telekinesis to me, like the way that stuff started moving and how the book came at your demand. That was awesome, dude."

"Ok, who's next?" Dre said, putting the book down.

Rian raised her hand, "I'll go! Someone start saying embarrassing stuff."

Dre, Brandon, and Andie smirked at each other.

"Oh god, here we go." Rian sighed.

Andie started, "Do you remember that time when you-"

"Ok, nevermind! Stop!" Rian yelled.

"Rian... " Dre said, looking around, "Where are you?"

"What?" she replied, "I'm still standing right here?"

"No you're not?" Brandon said, walking around in confusion, "You must have invisibility! Awesome!"

"My turn!" Brandon yelled out after Rian became visible again. "I'm pretty sure that I have shape-shifting, where I can morph into, like, animals and stuff."

"Ok then, let's see it!" Dre said.

"Alright... let me see..." Brandon started, "When it happened, I was angry. So, I think I just need to get mad a little bit, and then it'll happen again."

"That seems a bit complicated." Andie said. "Here, try this. Brandon, you're terrible at video games, and I'm speaking from the heart."

"Ouch." Dre whispered.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Brandon replied.

"Well," Andie started, "everytime that we play, you always cheat in a way that makes you win. Then when you lose you say that it's because your finger slipped off of the controller."

"What? That's not true! Stop!"

"Oh, yes it is, Brandon." she continued, "You always eat while you're playing and you get the controllers greasy."

"Stop it." he whispered angrily.

"You yell constantly while playing to try and throw off your competition."

"Stop." he spoke up.

"And you push and shove at someone until they rage quit so that you can finally have a win."

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