Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay guys,this is a fic I've been writing for a while now and I finally decided to write it onto wattpad.
please do not read this fanfic if you are triggered by any of those things or at least skip the parts that have triggering things in them.
Anyway. This is a Kellic fanfic. It's in Vics POV. Enjoy.
I sat in 1st period wondering why I didn't say something, anything back to him to make him stop. I should have just ignored him and the words spewing from his mouth, but I couldn't ignore the last one.


Tears stung my eyes, making it hard to see. I hung my head lower, balling my hands into fists.

"Mr. Fuentes, what do you think the author was trying to say?"

My mind went blank and my throat turned dry as I struggled for words.

"I-um..." I stuttered out, my anxiety taking over, my breathing rapid. There were several snickers from Oliver and his friends, while the rest of the class sat rolling their eyes or glaring at me. Mr. Addams sighed and called on someone else. I let out the breath I had been holding in. It was clear I wouldn't be able to focus anymore, so I put in my earbuds and listened to Green Day. I stared out the window at the field, spotting Mike and Alex sitting on the bleachers. I heard the door open and looked over, seeing a boy with long black hair and bright blue eyes walk up to the teacher and thrust a tardy pass at him. He wore black skinny jeans and toms with a button up red flannel shirt. He looked up at the now quiet class with the bluest eyes I had ever seen.

"Oh, you must be Kellin. Welcome to Clairemont High. Class, this is Kellin Quinn. Would you like to tell us anything about yourself?" The boy sighed and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"I'd rather not." He said and took the only empty seat in the back of the classroom, which was of course, right next to me.

I looked over at him nervously to seeing staring at me with a look of curiosity on his face. As our eyes met, he did something I would have never expected. The new boy, twirling his pencil in his hand, smiled devilishly and winked.

Oh god I have a bad feeling about this kid.

I passed the time in English trying not to look at Kellin Quinn. But it was so damn hard when his eyes felt like they were watching my every move.

I was finishing up the worksheet Mr. Addams gave us when I felt one of Kellin's toms nudge my foot. I nearly jumped out of my chair because honestly that scared they shit out of me. I looked over at him, trying to calm myself.

"Hey. What's your name?" He whispered.

I looked at him confused and then I realized it. He doesn't know me so he doesn't want to hurt me physically or mentally- yet.

"Vic." I whispered back. He smirked and held out his hand. I hesitated.

"I won't bite, I promise." He laughed quietly. I cautiously moved my hand towards his. We shook hands, but he didn't let go right away. I was confused at first but he picked up his pen and started writing something on my hand. He finished and I looked at it curiously. It said:


He smiled lightly and looked at the clock. Almost immediately the bell rang. I gathered my things and started walking down the row of desks, but someone caught my wrist. I pulled back, but there was hot breath in my ear and I stopped in my tracks.

"See you later, Vic." Kellin said, sending chills through me. Before I knew it, Kellin was walking away leaving me there before I even had time to process what just happened.
I spent the whole day staring at the digits on my hand, trying to figure out why he actually talked to me. I bet he was just planning something horrible to do to me.

I turned in my music, but for the first time, I actually listened to it. The lyrics sunk in, and I thought of the words as I traced the scars on my skin lightly with my fingers. I soon found myself looking at my hand again, asking myself if I should call him. I took out my phone, fingers automatically typing in the numbers. My thumb hovered over the green call button. I hesitated, but to hell with it. I pushed the button, trying to ignore the rising anxiety coming.

The ringer became a white noise, but at the last second, I heard it stop.

"Hey." Kellins voice rang through my ears and I instantly blushed.

"Um. Hi." I stuttered. I was really suprised he answered.

"So you finally decided to call? I was beginning to think you weren't going to."

"Me either." I muttered. Kellin laughed and spoke again.

"So what are you doing?"

"Um...listening to music." I said shyly.

"Me too. What are you listening to?"

"Green Day and Fall Out Boy."

"Oh me too! I'm punk as hell so I probably know most of the bands you listen to if you like them."

"Oh..." I said quietly. I looked at the clock again, wondering when he would realize I'm just some loser. I'm not worth his time.

"You're quiet. What's wrong?" I instantly looked at my wrist, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Nothing." I said. I was so used to saying it. To Mike. My parents. Even myself. But what's really wrong? Well... I have virtually no friends and if I had anything close to one its Mike but he's my brother. I'm basically the only target for bullying at my school and everyone ignores me. I'm the one who tries so hard to blend in, but no matter what. I always get noticed because I'm so different. I'm addicted to abusing myself. Every day, no matter what, I can't stop myself from digging out my blades. My thoughts were interrupted by Kellins voice.

"Are you still there?"

"Yeah." I said quietly, the urge building up again, stronger than its been in a while.

"Oh, um my mom is calling me. I have to go." I said, making a quick excuse.

"Oh. Okay. See you tomorrow." Kellin said politely.

"Yeah, bye." I said quickly and pushed the end call button.


I soon found myself dragging cool metal across my wrist. Red beads formed, then a steady stream of blood ran down my wrist. I'm so pathetic. Why can't I just stop?

I ended up on the floor crying, until I eventually just cried myself to sleep.
A/N: Okay so that was the first chapter sorry I'm so depressing but it gets better because obviously it's Kellic. I wanted this in the fic because honestly I've never seen a Kellic fic where Vic self harmed, which is weird because it actually happened. Thanks for reading!

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