Chapter 3

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Alright guys, so I honestly love this story, and if you happen to be reading, I hope you love it too. But, here comes the inevitable: plot. So strap in, for there will be some bumps. And if youre wondering, yes, there will be smut. Not in this chapter, but I'm definetly planning on it in the future.

On to the chapter.


I woke up slowly, not wanting to end my nap. I felt Kellin move a little so I opened my eyes, the dim light of the Christmas lights hung on my ceiling burning my eyes. I blinked a few times and as my eyes focused, I took in my surroundings. Kellin was looking at the bed, sadly, his brow furrowed in confusion. Except, when I looked at the bed, I realized it wasnt the bed he was looking at. It was my wrist. I panicked and pulled my sleeve down until it was practically hanging off my shoulder. It probably got pushed up when I was sleeping. My cheeks turned red and I stared at the red and black comforter and sheets.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, knowing what came next. The inevitable. I braced myself for the rejection.

"Why? It's not your fault."

"It is. Everything always is."

Part of me was willing him to just tell me how worthless I am and leave. Except he didn't.

"Vic. Hey. Look at me." He said.

I couldnt. I wanted to, but I knew if I did he would see the tears rolling down my cheek. I never thought he would find out. Especially after everything seemed to be going okay. Kellin took my head and forced me to look in his eyes.

"You can leave me now if you want. I'm sorry I'm so weak. Its okay if youre mad. I'm a waste anyway."

"Why would I leave?"

"Because I'm pathetic and broken."

"No youre not. Its okay. I understand. You can cry, Vic. I know youre strong. I'm here for you. I wanna help you."

"I'm not even worth your time."

"You are. Youre so worth it. Youre gonna be okay. I promise. You are strong enough to make it through this, to take anything life throws at you. Youre smart and kind and genuine. Youre my best friend. Youre 10 times better than anyone Ive ever known. please dont shut me out. You are amazing."

I sniffled and looked into Kellins eyes.

"I dont want to lose you, Vic. This doesnt change anything. I still want you. I still care about you."


Except he didn't answer me. He slowly closed the space between us until I could feel his breath on my lips. I second later, his lips were on mine. I closed my eyes and put my hands on his shoulders. He moved his to my hips and deepened the kiss. I realize I actually wanted, no, needed this for a long time. I always told myself Kellin didnt even like me like that. I guess he did. Or maybe he was just being friendly.

He pulled away and smiled, his cheeks a light pink. I moved away a little and changed the subject.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him quietly.


We went downstairs to find that my parents had gone to bed and Mike and Alex and someone I hadn't met were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey man." Mike said. Kellin nodded his head and waved. Alex and the other guy turned and gave us a wave. The new boy had glasses and short hair. He was wearing a Star Wars shirt with Darth Vader on the front. He had kind, brown eyes. He made me feel calm, so I smiled at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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