we're here!!!

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I can feel myself being moved up and down as if I'm on a horse. My head still feels like I'm laying on something soft though. I can hear snow crunching loudly as well. Oh god, it's so much colder than I remembered. I wrap my hands around whatever I'm laying on to try and get any sort of warmth. Something heavy on my back shifting as well.

"Theseus I'd really appreciate it if you quit digging your nails into my stomach.."

My eyes snapped open as I flinched violently. I quickly retracted my hands and folded them in between my thighs. I lifted my head to look at who I was laying on, gasping slightly at the sight of bubblegum pink hair. I felt the heavy weight on my back shift again. What was that?

"What? D'you see something?"


"God, what did I tell you about saying sorry?"

I didn't answer, more focused on everything else that was going on. My hands moved to touch the heavy weight, flinching again at the feeling of feathers. As if muscle memory, I stretched the weight out to get a better look. I was amazed to find a mix of green, blue, red, and yellow feathers. I brought my hands back over to see that my hands were much more scarred and my nails had become sharper and were painted black.

I was wearing a blood red long sleeve tunic with a black corset. It had pretty looking roses embroidered into the breast down to the stomach of the corset. I had black garter belt shorts that held up black combat boots as well. I could feel that I had a choker on as well, something cold attached to it layed peacefully on my neck. It was most likely a charm, but I wanted to see the rest of my appearance.

I moved my hands up to my hair, gasping again when I felt feathers near my ears. I traced the shape of wings as my hands felt them gently, flinching if I pressed too hard. I figured they would be the same color as the wings on my back, hopefully. Gulping, I moved to my hair which was pulled into a long braid that rested on my back in between my wings. I moved the braid to my shoulder, marveling at the pure white color of my hair. It felt so soft as I ran my hands across the giant braid. A red ribbon was used to keep it all together as well.

I moved a hand to touch the ribbon, only for a rough hand to smack my hand away. I hissed in pain as I stopped looking at myself to look at the man in front of me. His eyes were blood red and he had a small stubble along with tusks. He had long pink hair in a low ponytail, along with pink...pig ears and a golden crown on top of his head? Besides that, he had a white long sleeve blouse, a pure black belt corset, beige pants, and black boots similar to mine. Oh, he looks like..



Holy shit.

I shifted.

I covered my mouth as I started smiling wildly. Technoblade just looked at me, concerned, before focusing back on the horse. I swung my legs excitedly, the wings on my back puffed up as well. Jesus, all those months truly weren't for nothing. I'm never going back to my CR.

I froze, realizing I had no idea where I was or where I was going. Would it seem weird if I asked? Considering that we've probably been on this horse for hours, maybe even days, he'd probably be confused. I've already been acting pretty odd on this trip. Maybe I should just wait.

"Where are we going?"

God fucking damnit I really never think before I speak.

Technoblade sighed, "I already told you, we're going help Philza's son, Wilbur, and this other kid Tommy."

I nodded, "Cool. Cool alright."

We both went silent for a few minutes before Technoblade spoke up.

"Are you alright?"


"Yes? Why do you ask?"

He turned his head to look at me, his expression was serious. I shrunk back.

"Oh nothing, not like you're actin' like you've just been born."

I laugh nervously, "I'm still tired, sorry."

Technoblade continued to stare for a few more seconds before huffing and turning back around. I felt my body untense, sighing in pure relief that he hadn't asked me more than one question. I proceed to then look at my surroundings. Everything was covered in a thick layer of frost, and it was snowing as well. I'd never seen snow in person since I'd always been in places where it was too hot or dry. Moving my wings to cover me, I hummed as the warmth consumed me.

"I'm going back to sleep.."

I received a grunt in response.

This is great. I can finally relax.

I slowly close my eyes, leaning my head back onto Technoblade's back, going to sleep rather quickly.


829 words not including this a/n

my god i am tired i genuinely want to pass out rn, gonna go talk to aspen anyway though lmao

-theseus, plus his dog hobbs

oh wow this is something [stories from shifting]Where stories live. Discover now