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June 5th, 2000

As usual, we arrive at the hospital, the doctor waiting just outside the door for us, like a soldier guarding her "Hey Doctor". "Something happened this morning, she woke up at around 7 am because we're trying to give her a new routine... she waited for her breakfast... every morning the nurse goes in and this morning she said 'My name is Robin Louise Miller'" The captain and I look at each other in utter shock, not exactly knowing how to respond "We have a name". While I go in to see Robin, The captain gives the precinct a call to tell them to get everything they can on her. I wasn't expecting her to remember her name or even tell us this early on. 

"Hello, Robin..." Giving her a big smile as I walk into the room, she shuffles up the bed and returns with a bashful smile. I think she knows she's in a safe place now and so she's starting to trust the people around her. All we have to do now is figure out her triggers and do our best to avoid them. I know for sure that touching her arms is one trigger and the other I think is when they come bursting in the room at 10 am to give her the meds. 

"How are you doing today? they treating you well?" She tilts her head, humming lightly while she thinks of what to say. Instead of saying anything, she nods slightly, still quite nervous about her surroundings. Something draws her attention away from me, her eyes intently looking at something. I follow her gaze to my watch wrapped around my wrist "You like that?" She hums, nodding bashfully. She hesitantly lifts her hand, biting her lip as she reaches out and grazes her fingers across the cold metal. I quickly unhook it from my wrist and hand it over to her, causing her to flinch and cower. "I'm sorry... uhh..... here" Placing it gently on her lap, she's clearly not ready for anyone to touch her just yet, I think I got ahead of myself for a moment. She plucks up my watch and lifts it to her ear, listening to it tick away. "You can keep that... if you want" She shyly hooks the watch around her wrist, smiling as she wriggles her wrist around, watching it swing around. She's still very thin and sickly but everyday she does look a little better. "Oh... I have something for you" I grab my bag and pull out a large set of coloured pencils, much better than the ones I have. I place them on her lap and proceed to pull out a large drawing pad, placing them with her pencils "You can draw as much as you want now". Her eyes light up with so much excitement, a wide smile stretching across her face as she glides her finger along the colours. My thinking is that maybe she would draw something that would give us a clue on where she was. 

While Robin is drawing away, I quickly go to see the captain to see what he knows about her. "So they find anything out yet?" He lets out a deep sigh, twisting his face as he thinks of where to start "Robin Louise Miller..... born 3rd August 1978 to Deborah Miller and Thomas Miller.... She went missing in 1990 when she and her family were out at a park.... been an open case since". "Have her parents been notified?" He nods slightly, sighing out with frustration "Yes.... but in your professional opinion.... is she ready to see them? because she's been alone for 10 years.... endured such cruelty... you need to make sure she's ready to see them". "Maybe give it a week before you let them see her.... I'll tell her they're coming in a week.... Try and get her ready for it" Giving him a nod before sliding back into the room. 

By the time I get back in, she's finished drawing, she slowly turns it towards me. My jaw drops open again, feeling astounded by her drawing skills "Oh my god". This drawing is of a large green field with trees in the distance and a black horse "Wow.... is this something you've seen before?". She furrows her brows together, not understanding my words "Have you seen this?". She stills for a moment before nodding swiftly. Wherever she was, it's in the countryside surrounded by trees and whoever had taken her, had animals, possibly a farm?. "Can I keep this?" She smiles wide and nods excitedly. 

"Listen.... we've found out who you are.. where you're from" Her eyes light up with excitement but also nerves "You were born August 3rd.... 1978.... do you know how old that makes you?". She slowly shakes her head, her smile dropping into a frown "That makes you... 21 years old.... you'll be 22 in 2 months..... I'm 25 years old... my birthday is March 23rd". 

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