Part 3

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The next day, as promised, Beth worked on refining Bucky's prosthetic arm. The lab buzzed with the sound of machinery and Beth arguing with Friday.

Beth asked, "Friday, can you confirm that this circuit won't overload if I increase the power throughput by 15%?"

"Yes, Miss Baxter, I can confirm that increasing the power will not cause an immediate overload. However, I must advise against it as it goes against recommended safety protocols." Friday replied.

Concerned but not deterred, Beth asked, "'Immediate'? What about long-term, Friday? Don't hold back on me."

Friday flatly answered, "In the long term, there's a non-trivial possibility—approximately 23.78%—that might turn whatever you are powering into a very expensive paperweight. Or a fire hazard. Possibly both."

Beth sighed. "So, you're telling me there's a 76.22% chance it won't explode? Those are better odds than I had on my calculus final."

Friday retorted, "Miss Baxter, I must remind you that your analogy does not apply to experimental technology. The potential consequences of failure in this scenario are significantly more... explosive."

Annoyed that again, Friday had her voice but at the same time knew the logic in its answer and how much Tony would also push the boundaries. "Alright, Friday, how about a compromise? I up it by 10% and monitor the heat signatures closely. If it looks like we're about to barbecue the lab, I'll dial it back."

"While I do not possess the ability to sigh, if I could, I would express my exasperation audibly at this moment. Very well, I will monitor the parameters closely." Friday replied.

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Teamwork makes the dream work!" Beth smirked her triumph.

Friday said, "Mr Barnes, thank you for coming. Miss Baxter. It appears I am learning more about human idioms daily. Shall I add 'playing with fire' to the list of concepts you find enjoyable?"

"Only if you add 'saving the world with style.' Now, let's get this show on the road and keep your digital fingers crossed. Wait, did you say Barnes?" Beth looked up at Bucky through magnificent goggles, making him grin and almost laugh out loud.

"Nearly finished Here." Beth pointed to a nearby stool and said, "Take a seat. I'll be with you in a minute."

"So, Shall I ask Friday what the other items are on the list of concepts you find enjoyable?" Bucky, seated nearby, observed the process with interest and anticipation.

Beth grimaced, "I wish you wouldn't. She's just sore that I'm like Tony, I guess."

Beth focused on her work and occasionally glanced at Bucky. "This should improve the responsiveness of the nerve interface," she explained, adjusting some components.

Bucky nodded, his eyes following her hands as they expertly manipulated the intricate parts. The silence in the lab was filled with the hum of machinery and the subtle tension between them.

As Beth made the final adjustments, she looked up at Bucky. "All set. Give it a try."

Bucky picked up the arm and slotted it into place. He flexed his fingers, testing the responsiveness of the prosthetic. A satisfied smile crossed his face. "Feels good. Thanks, Miss Baxter."

Beth returned the smile, a sense of accomplishment evident in her eyes. "You're welcome, Sergeant Barnes. If you experience any issues, let me know."

The two nodded, a silent understanding passing between them. With his newly improved prosthetic, Bucky felt a renewed sense of agency. Beth, in turn, couldn't deny the satisfaction of contributing to Bucky's well-being.

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