Part 6

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"Boss, I think I've got it." Friday chimed in.

The display changed to show:

59915041 - Ieiq-Qhise = Hail Hydra

60027060 - Hgis-Hyjrg = Hail Hydra

#56956 - Ygmye-w-Ikfxp-Gntpjgn = Daddy's Dearg-Aingeal

#56898 - Xnm-s-Gaem! = She's Mine

14051995 - Ieiq-Qhise = Hail Hydra

06072006 - Hgis-Hyjrg = Hail Hydra

"The first two had the dates inverted. That's why Captain Carter's attempt didn't work," Friday added.

"Daddy's Dearg-Aingeal. What the hell does that mean?" Steve looked at Bucky.

Tony stood up and said, "Well, this explains a bit but adds much more." He walked to look out the window as he continued, "Beth's father is a man named Liam; I never could find a real name for him. He registered himself as Liam Jones on Beth's birth certificate. He met Beth's Mom, Grace Baxter, when she was in MI5. He had disappeared before Beth was born, popping up now and again. That was until 6th July 2006, When he nearly killed Both Grace and Beth. That was the last contact Beth had with Liam. Well, that's what I thought."

"Grace Baxter is your mother's sister's daughter", Nat added.

Tony sighed, "Yeah, Beth is family. I learned about her when Pepper moved in and sorted some of my Mother's old things. Because Grace was a spook, the contact had been very covert."

He chuckled as he continued, "I knew my mother was a bright woman but thought all the techy interest was down to dear old dad. When I tracked down Beth, she was just getting out of College and hoping to get her degree. I gave her a full scholarship to Stanford in the States."

Tony paused, reflecting on the past. "I wanted to ensure she was safe and had the opportunities she deserved. But it seems like her father's past is catching up with her now."

Steve crossed his arms, deep in thought. "So, Liam Sinclair, a soldier from the 107th, missing and presumed dead, suddenly resurfaces in Beth's life with cryptic messages and a Hydra allegiance?"

Bucky frowned, troubled. Something gnarled buried deep in his memory. A flick of the Liam he knew was being dragged away.

Penny interjected, "If it is the same Liam and he is Beth's father, that seems to be the connection. However, there's more to these messages. They're not just threats or taunts. They're specific to Beth's past, dates that mean something to her."

Tony turned back from the window, his expression grim. "We need to protect her. She's already been targeted once. We can't let it happen again."

Nat spoke up, "We should increase security around Beth and her mother. Whoever is sending these messages knows too much about her."

Steve nodded in agreement. "We'll take every precaution. We need to find out what happened to Liam Sinclair. If he's alive and aligned with Hydra, he could be a significant threat. If it is the same Liam, could he have been in the winter soldier program? "

Bucky met Steve's eyes. "I don't know; some things are still hazy, but it could be possible. Zemo undercovered one sector, but who knows if there were others. I need to know if my past is somehow connected to this."

Tony looked at Bucky. His earlier anger subsided. "We all have a stake in this. Let's work together to protect Beth and uncover the truth."

As the team began to strategise, the room filled with urgency. The mystery surrounding Beth and her father became a crucial puzzle piece in a larger, more dangerous game.

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