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" the guard said that they shifted from here 2 years ago" hearing this from his driver taehyung hissed

"It can't be possible because few days ago i checked about here from my spy and he said that they still live here and today he contacted me and gave me the news that Jisoo is out from coma" he said all to himself or say to his driver who his trustworthy, who knows everything about his boss past

When his driver heard this he understand the situation now that why his boss want to come here, he never saw that girl but always hear about her from his boss mouth that how lovely person is she

"So sir what now?" His driver ask calmly

"This bastered must be lying!" Taehyung again hissed in anger and slightly hit his fist in the seat where he was seated

His driver didn't said anything and just went to his driver seat and settled down there and wait for his boss command

"Take to the hotel for now where we are staying" he ordered to his driver and his driver follow it as his boss command


Taehyung dialled someone's number and talk with the person

In call

"You said me in the morning that
kim jisoo is out from the coma,
where you get this new from?"

"From there company Sir"

"Do you tell me the current
address of them?"

"Sir it's their old address which yo-"

"They already shifted from here"

"Sorry sir in the morning when
i get that news they are still in
their old address, looks like they just
Change it but sir you tell me to stop
investigate so didn't know about it"

"So find it now!"

And without hearing anything he cutted the call
Then he heard his driver said "sir we are here"

Jimin come out from the bathroom after taking an shower then his mind went on a particular person whom he loves alot

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Jimin come out from the bathroom after taking an shower then his mind went on a particular person whom he loves alot

'Where she went' he thought to himself and went out from his room to search of his wife while a towel still is in hands drying his hair by one hand

"Sooyaa where are you?" He said as soon as he saw the person he was looking for

"What are you doing here?" He asked her when he saw his wife seated on the living room couch

"Oh nothing, i can't understand why we suddenly the place i mean why we come to this house?" Jisoo asked confused

cause jimin suddenly want to change there house he said they are going to there new house after they did lunch

Jimin seated besides jisoo and throw the towel to the other couch

"because from here my company is near, since you are conscious now i don't want to live there alone and if my company is near from here so it's easy for me to come here to meet you or whenever you need me" jimin explains with his eye smile which jisoo reply with her smile

"Oh if it's the case then it's okay" jisoo replied

"Now let's go to sleep since we already did dinner now so.." jimin said

Right they also did dinner cause this house is pretty far from their old one and when they come here is already night so they just settled down some things and did their farewell with jungkook who left before dinner and then they did dinner

"Ah okay but where's my room?, you saw me the whole house but didn't tell me which one is my room" jisoo asked as she don't know where to sleep

"Your room?" Jimin asked as he stand and jisoo followes

"Yeah my where is it?" As soon jisoo said this jimin starts to laugh

Jisoo saw and asked confused "why are you laughing suddenly?"

"Jisoo there's no room only for you" jimin said and jisoo who was still confused, confuse more

"I mean you have to say our room since we are husband and wife so Ofcouse we share one room" after saying this jimin put his hand around jisoo's shoulder

"" jisoo don't know what to reply just the thought of Sharing room with jimin giving butterflies to her stomach so imagine what will happen when they sleep in same room in the same bed

'It's the end of my life' jisoo gulped

"Then let's go now jagya to our room" jimin said after he grab jisoo's hand and start to take her to their room

"So it's our room. How is it?" Jimin asked to jisoo who check their room

Jisoo replied "It's beautiful" and smiled

Then suddenly jimin phone starts to ring

"Umm..wait I'll come back after taking this call" and he went out from their room after jisoo nodded

In call

"What is it?"

"Sir one guy come here to ask about your whereabouts"

"What you said?"

"I said as you told me to that you shifted
2 years ago from here not that
you leaved today evening"

"Good, what do you think who was it"

"Sir there a car parked a little far from here, the car driver asked me about you i guess
it was Mr. Taehyung who was inside
the car but I'm not sure"

"It's okay make sure they can't find about my new address"

"Ok sir"

Then jimin cutted the call after a small smirk appeared on his lips

'Looks like you are very desperate to meet my wife Kim Taehyung but what will happen when you find out that she dosen't even remember you'

To be Countinue..

This chp was so boring but don't worry from the next chps you get alot of jimsoo moments ...

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