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Roberto made a chat
Roberto added Lili, Cole and Camila.
Lili-nope nope nope, add Casey please.
Roberto added Casey
Casey- what up?
Roberto- so i've noticed a lot of drama between the four of you. what happened.
Cami- Lili is being a bitch.
Cole- hell no, that's not what happened.
Lili- Camila called me a slut because i was mad that she hid her and Charles relationship for dk long after her getting mad at me for hiding my relationship.
Roberto- Camila tou was the one who has started all of this drama so i'm sorry to say but you will no longer be working on Riverdale anymore.
Cami- what?? i don't have a job anymore? thanks a lot Lili, fuck you.
Cole- it's not Lilis fault your so unbearable, now fuck off.
Lili- wait whos playing Veronica then?
Casey-oh my god yeah, who?
Roberto- Nina.
cami left the chat
Lili permantly banned Cami.
Lili- now traitor-No Olivia Rodrigo can't contact us.

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