Part 1; Chapter 1

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I am upset. How can I be portrayed as the 'villian' when I can't control something. Father will have to hear about this. This is an abomination. Who speaks to THE Crown Prince of Wallingsburg that way. I thought our subjects were loyal, but this. I feel violated.

"Prince George, please head downstairs, your new personal knight is here." One of the maids, I think her name was Gilda proclaimed. I honestly couldn't care less about what her name is.

I rolled out of my mattress fit for royalty. I think it fits me perfectly. I headed down the hallway with all the other royal rooms even though only two were in use. The one for my father, the king and one for me, the Crown Prince. It was just us since my mom died in labor with me and my dad makes sure every day that I know I am the reason my mother died. Apparently she was wonderful. I honestly don't really care. They say everything happens for a reason right? I guess this was just another bump in the road for fate. Another bump in the road. Bump. Why am I thinking this hard, I shouldn't think this hard, my life is easy. I get everything I want with the blink of an eye.

Once I reach the end of the stairs I am greeted by a maid. She brings me into the greeting hall, it was set up for this occasion. She hands me off to someone who looks like a jester. I am baffled, who is this man? He is dressed in leather and some sort of lime green shirt, with a mask covering his face except for his mouth. The mask was white painted with two eyes and a smile, painted in black to stand out against the pale background.

"Hello, Prince George." He says in a smooth tone.

His accent is strange and I can't think of a place around here with it. He sounds foreign. "And who might you be?" I say. How can this person say hello to ME without a proper introduction. Rude.

"Your new night, I'm called Dream. Haven't you heard the kingdom is dangerous now because your father is a fool of a king." He says in that annoying accent. "Oh, and you scared away your last night and they couldn't find anyone else to fill the position because no one wants to be around you so now I'm here."

He smiles mockingly, matching the smile on his mask. It was an interesting if not scary sight. "Excuse me! How dare you talk of the king that way and insult me the Crown Prince. You have no power in this kingdom yet you think you can talk of the rulers that way. Youre fired. Never set foot on my land again, unless you are praying for a death wish." I bark back. He was making me furious, what a jerk. I knew my father was far from a good leader but that is no way to talk of royal blood.

"That's the problem. Crown Prince," He smiles and the black dots stare into my eyes,"You can't fire me, if you do you will die, and if you die our kingdom dies too. You are the last line of royal blood and our kingdom is under attack, no one else will be your night. So I'm sorry you're stuck with me for now." He smirks and then looks me up and down making me uncomfortable.

"My bedroom is this way I spend almost all my time there." I say in a whisper, embarrassed that I have to oblige this nonsense. He smiles as I lead him up the stairs.

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