Robbing a bank with Childe & Zhongli

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"CHILDE WTF!" You said to him in a pissed off tone as you were speeding just to Tokyo drift.
"Oh come on I said that I'm sorry but it was worth it at the end!"
"It doesn't matter you almost got us killed!"
As you to were bickering zhongli put his upper body out of the window and started shooting at the police with his tommy gun.
"Could you two stop bickering like a married couple and start helping me taking out the cars."
"Yes sir"
As Childe and zhongli were taking out police cars you took a well known shortcut that you used to get back into base. Ezra  started speeding up even more cause this shortcut was at a angle that most people couldn't do with a car or any vehicle for that matter.
"Hey watch it!" Childe said in a irritated voice
"Oh shut the fuck up Ajax until you learn how to use this shortcut I don't wanna hear your god damn mouth!"
The group eventually made it to base with the money that you just stole. Once Ezra got out Childe kicked your car as a joke but did leavening a actual mark on it.
"Don't worry about it Y/N we can fix it with the money that we have."
"Honestly you two, can we please finish the contract that we're under. Let's start splitting the money."
At the end they  all got at least 500,000 dollars each.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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