Chapter 5 You ungrateful little-

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Once the train stopped the whistle went off waking up the blonde. As Draco started to wake up he realised he had fallen asleep on Harry, making his face go red, and then he looked up at Harry who was relaxed, content and fast asleep. When he noticed how close their faces were to each other he jumped up in embarrassment and landed on the ground with a thump


"What?! I'm up! Shit are you ok Draco?!" Harry said as he woke up and started to worry about Draco

"I'm fine, I just fell and hurt my butt"

"You sure?"

"Harry. I'm fine, calm down. Anyways, we're here come on!" He said excitedly as he started to leave the compartment

"Um Draco? I think you're forgetting these" He said lifting Draco's luggage

Draco stuck his head back in the compartment "Nope, I'm sure a strong, dominant wolf like yourself can carry a few things. After all, you dominants are stronger than us subs, unless you're weak?" He said innocently, smirking slightly at the end

That hit a nerve in Harry, not a nerve that made him angry, a nerve that made him determined, to show his strength as a dominant, to prove himself to the the sub infront of him. "I am not weak! I'll carry them, but you could have at least asked, I thought you were polite Draco?" He said smirking clearly teasing the blonde boy

He blushes at Harry's teasing

"Harry, can you pleaseee carry my stuff?" He batting his eyelashes and pouted innocently as he said it

"Ok, since you asked nicely I will"

"Thank you!" Draco said as he happily ran down the hall with Harry, who was carrying his and Draco's luggage with ease and was still only a few steps behind the blonde.


"Oh no....not now...just please no..." just as he said it he was tackeled into a hug by some black hair girl

"Pansy, p-please let go, I c-can't b-breath!" Draco pleaded with her but she wouldn't let go and as soon as Harry saw this he put their bags down and pulled them apart, making sure not to hurt Draco, but not really caring if he hurt Pansy "Thank you"

"Anytime" Harry replied smiling while looking at Draco, but the second his eyes landed on the girl it was gone and replaced by a glare and a snarl

"Dray, what are you doing thanking Potter?!"

"Well you weren't going to let go of me and he helped, it's called manners Pansy, not that you have any" at this sentence Harry tried to hold back his laugh but failed. Hearing Harry laugh at the joke he made filled Draco with pride.

"What did he say to you this time Pansy" came another voice

"Blaise! He was being rude saying I have no manners!"

"I mean, is he really wrong though?" at this Harry, Draco and Blaise all burst out laughing which caused them to receive weird looks from passers by but none of them really cared, and after a while Pansy was laughing with them.

After the fit of giggles was done Pansy spoke up again "Draco, honestly though, why are you with Potter? You two are meant to be enemies! And why's he got ears and a tail?!"

"We made a truce and he's/I'm a wolf" they said in sink cause the boys to look at each other and laugh again

"Ok Potter! What spell did you put on our Dray-dray?!"

At this Harry stopped laughing, becoming deathly quiet, and glared at her. "How dare you accuse me of doing something like that to him, I'm in the right mind to rip you to shreds you ungrateful little-"

Before he could finish his sentence Draco stood in between a growling Harry and terrified Pansy, after noticing Harry's eyes had turned red.

"Harry, calm down, she didn't mean it"

"Grrrr, fine, I'll let it slip this time" He said and his eyes turned back to normal which Draco was happy about

"Good, now Pansy, Blaise, you two go to the great Hall I'll see you at the Slytherin table, ok?"

"But-!" Pansy tried to protest but Blaise cut her off

"Ok Draco, see you there, come on Pansy"

"But-! No!" And other noises of protest were heard as Blaise dragged Pansy away

After the two were gone Harry picked up the luggage with ease again to which Draco noticed "Ok, I know you dominants are stronger than us but that's unfair! How are you so strong?!"

Harry laughed as they continued to walk from the train to the carriages "Haha, thanks for the compliment, but being a dominant only gives me part of my strength, most of it's from actual hard work from when I was staying with my Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius, not to mention the added wolf strength. Honestly, I could probably carry you as well as these bags, but I wouldn't want to drop you"

"Thank merlin, I was scared you would lift me for a second"

"Haha, no, no, I wouldn't do that, now get in the carriage there's only one left, hurry up!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

Luckily they managed to get in the last carriage. One they got out of the carriage they ran until they got to the door of the great Hall

"Well, here's your bags"

"Thanks for carrying them"

"No problem, I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"S-sure, bye Harry"

"Bye Draco"

And with that they made there way the their house tables. Miss McGonigal, the new principle, gave the normal speech to the first years and sorted them into their houses but Harry and Draco weren't paying attention. They kept looking at eachother until they both looked at the same time and locked eyes with one another, before quickly looking away fast enough that it could've given them whiplash.

After the announcements and the food everyone was sent to their new shared dorms (since parts of the castle were destroyed, different houses are sharing dorms, two people in each room). Once Harry found his dorm he was surprised by who his room-mate was...

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