(1) Fights,No Sleep & Summer School

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End of Freshmen Year 

"Ugh I just want to sleep.." Larkin Newton whispered 

Her parents Hudson and Ophelia Newton were downstairs yelling at each other at 2 in the morning. The Newtons are a well known name across the state of Florida even though they reside in the Palm Beach area. 

Larkin is a heiress to Newton Enterprises her dad owns a big chain of night clubs across the statw. Opehlia runs a modeling agency that she runs in two different offices. It finally went quiet around 3 Larkin was able to get a few hours of sleep. 

The next morning she was pulled from second period French class. When she followed Ms Hill to a conference room. 

"Mom?" She said 

"Hey Larkin.." Ophelia said as Larkin sat down.

"We are here to discuss Ms Newton's grades. Its the end of freshmen year Larkin and your grades aren't where they should be. Also in the last several weeks you've been caught falling asleep in class." Mrs Fury said (principal)

"We cant have that since you are an athlete. But since it is the end of the year we can't put you on academic probation." Coach Nick Fury 

"So what are you suggesting? Repeat her freshmen year?" Ophelia said 

"No, for the next two weeks she will be set up with a tutor to help her study for her finals. She will also be placed in summer school. And this fall we will place her back with her peer tutor to help her stay on track. We only do this for students whose grades weren't terrible before but theg just need an extra push. So follow me Ms Newton I'll introduce you. He has study hall this period." Ms Hill said 

"Okay.." Larkin said 

"We will talk later when I pick you up." Ophelia said and left out the main doors. 

Larkin followed Ms Hill into the library, and in the very back was a group of kids studying.

"James." Mrs Fury said 

Bucky looked up from his AP history book. He saw both the principal and guidiance counselor. He followed them to an empty table. 

"For the next two weeks James this will who you are tutoring Larkin Newton. You'll help her study for her finals. And this fall you will help her stay on track." Ms Hill said

"Oh, okay. Nice to meet you Larkin I'm James Barnes but most people call me Bucky." He said 

"Nice to meet you too." Larkin said 

"After school Larkin you will meet him here until practice at 5." Mrs Fury said 

"Yes ma'am." She said 

"You may go back to class." Mrs Fury said 

Larkin left to go back to class. After their first initial session Bucky stayed for the peer tutoring meeting. Where they all learned that they would TAs for the Summer School program. While Larkin got in her mom's car. She tossed a pharmacy bag at her. 

Inside the bag was her birth control and a bottle of sleeping pills. 

"Mom?" She said 

"Those should help. I take the same ones and I sleep like a baby." Ophelia said as they drove home. 

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