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The family was on their way home again. Derek decided to drive as he saw the bags under Meredith's eyes.

"Mer?" Derek whispered

Nothing.. So Derek turned his head and saw her head resting against the window as she was staring right ahead of her, lost in thoughts

"Did you hear? Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Grey finally searched for a long term solution for their daughter" A nurse said, not realising Meredith was close by and could hear them

"Poor Dr. Shepherd. Luckily for him he got 2 normal kids

At this point Meredith was boiling. She went over to the nurse station and started yelling "Our little girl is no burden! She's sick at home, that's why I didn't bring her in this morning. Derek is taking care of her and don't you ever dare to say something like that again. We love her just as much as we love Bailey and Zola!" Meredith yelled and a lot of people started staring at her


Meredith turned her attention back to Derek "Did you say something?" She asked

"Mer.. I think we need to talk" Derek grabbed her hand even tighter and she nodded in agreement "I love you" He whispered

"I love you too" She whispered back as a tear streamed down her cheeks but she didn't bother to wipe it away

"M-ommy, d-addy -ake! D-addy m-ake -ake!" Ellis told her

"Daddy's gonna make a cake?" Meredith asked with a small smile on her face

"Morrow!" She added

"I can't wait" Meredith smiled before leaning her head against the window

"You okay Mer?" Derek asked

"Hmm?" She groaned and slightly lifted her head before closing her eyes

"I asked if you were okay but you're clearly not okay. Have you been sleeping?" Derek asked

"I- I have" She quickly replied

"Naptime when we're home" Derek stated

"Derek, I have to do our laundry" Meredith sighed

"Mer, I'll do it. You lay on the couch with the kids" Derek said and grabbed her thigh

As she felt another wave of dizziness she gave in and leaned her head against the window until they arrived home

As Meredith got out she had to stabilize herself against the car before she got Ellis out. She unbuckled the little girl and placed her on her hip

"M-omma b-ed" Ellis whispered

"Shall we take a nap on the couch together?" Meredith suggested

"Kay" She whispered and laid her head on Meredith's chest

"Let's go" Meredith walked to the couch and laid down with Ellis' head on her chest

"Mer, do you need a bib for her drooling?" Derek asked her

"We'll be okay. I'll change clothes anyway" Meredith said before closing her eyes

The older kids decided to play outside a bit while Derek was doing some laundry

"M-ommy?" Ellis whispered as she woke up, her head still resting on Meredith's chest

Meredith's eyes fluttered a bit open

"M-ommy u-p?" Ellis asked

Meredith groaned a bit and was swaying as she stood up

"M-ommy!" Ellis yelled in panic as Meredith fell back on the couch

"Ellie, what's wrong?" Derek asked as he entered the living room

"M-ommy!" She started sobbing uncontrollably

"I'm okay Ellie Bell" Meredith whispered as her hand found the little girl's

"M- M-ommy" Ellis kept sobbing

"I'm okay, I'm okay" Meredith said as her hand was holding a firm grip on the armrest of the couch

"You're not okay, Mer. Let me take a look" Derek said

"N-ot kay?" Ellis asked, her voice braking and her lower lip trembling

"I'm okay" Meredith said as she send an angry look at Derek and grabbed her daughter's hand "Calm down sweetie" Meredith whispered as she rubbed the little girl's back as her hands were cramped against her chest


"I'm okay" Meredith smiled

"Kay" Ellis smiled a bit, still unsure

Derek grabbed some stuff and did a small examination "Mer, your blood pressure is out of the roof" Derek told her with a worried expression

"I'll be fine. I'll take another nap" Meredith frowned

"I'll wake you in an hour and then I'll take another look" Derek said and helped her lay down again before draping her with the blanket

"M-e c-are m-ommy!" Ellis suggested

"You'll take care of mommy?" Derek asked her and she nodded in agreement

"I'll start prepping dinner with Zo and Bails. Yell if you need us, okay Ellie?" Derek asked as he kissed both girl's head

"Kay daddy" Ellis giggled

"Doctor Ellie will make sure you'll feel better" Derek whispered as he kissed Meredith's forehead again while she was already sound asleep


As Derek, Zola and Bailey finished dinner, they walked into the living room to get Ellis and Meredith

"Ellie!" Bailey yelled and joined her on the ground where she was playing with some stuffed animals

"Mommy" Zola shook her awake

"Hi" Meredith whispered as her eyes opened but when she tried to sit up she started to sway again

"Hey, you're still dizzy?" Derek asked and she gave a small nod

"I'll let you check after dinner" Meredith said and got up with some help from Derek. He wrapped his arm around her waist and supported her to the dining table.

As Meredith barely ate because she felt nauseous, she helped Bailey cutting his meat while Derek helped Ellis after he put on her bib to protect her clothes

As the family ended dinner, Meredith's head was resting on her hand as she was watching her kids eat and telling them stories about their day

"Mer, I'm gonna check your blood pressure first" Derek said as he got concerned when he saw her eyes drooping

"Hmm" Meredith nodded slightly

All three kids were looking at her with a frown.

"Mer, it's way too high. I don't feel comfortable with this situation, we should bring you in"

AN // Okay so I had some issues with my wrist and when I went to the doctors she told me it was pretty badly swollen and I should let it rest for a couple of weeks but bcs I can't miss work and bcs I wanna keep writing I can't just let it rest so now I'm stuck with a brace 💀 Writing this AN took me so long hahaha

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