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Meredith woke up pretty late in the morning by small fingers touching her face

"Ellie, I told you to let mommy sleep" Derek whispered as he saw Meredith was starting to stir

"M-ommy w-ake" Ellis kissed Meredith's cheek

"Morning" Meredith groaned

"M-ommy!" Ellis giggled

"Good morning mom" Zola smiled as she squeezed her arms a bit tighter that were wrapped around her mother

"Morning! Can we have breakfast now?" Bailey asked

"Let's go get some breakfast and then we can eat it here in the big bed" Derek smiled

Ellis and Bailey followed Derek to help while Zola kept lying next to Meredith

"Did you sleep well ZoZo?"

"I slept great! But I woke up when Ellis was walking around. Then she asked me if I wanted to join in the big bed" Zola told her with a big smile

"What would you think if we would play in the garden later today?"

"Yeay! I need to show you my cartwheel!"

"I would love to see it baby" Meredith smiled

"Miranda called and daddy seemed upset. Is everything okay?" Zola asked

Meredith's eyes widened. Zola was way too smart even though she's only 10 years old

"I'm sure everything is fine" Meredith assured her

Zola nodded and laid her head on Meredith's chest, waiting till Derek, Bailey and Ellis would return

"Breakfast" Bailey yelled as he entered the room a couple of minutes later, carrying a pack of orange juice

"B-fas-t!" Ellis giggled a couple if seconds later, carrying a small bag filled with fruits

"I'm hungry" Meredith smiled

"Here we are" Derek said and walked in with a big plate of pancakes"


Derek, Meredith and the kids walked inside the living room and decided to play a little game

"Mommy, I'm winning!" Bailey yelled

"You're doing great bud!" Meredith encouraged him

They kept playing until the doorbell rang

"I'm going" Derek said as he stood up

Meredith kept playing with the kids until she heard Derek's voice. He was talking pretty loud so Meredith decided to take a look

"M-ommy, m-e c-ome!" Ellis said and reached out her hands

Meredith lifted the little girl and walked towards the front door

"Miranda.." Meredith said with no emotion

"Grey.. I wanted to apologize, I shouldn't have-" Bailey started

"This isn't the right time-" Derek said sternly

"Will I get suspended?" Meredith asked, interrupting Derek

"Grey, I already made my decision-"

"No. You don't get to do this!" Meredith started to get nervous

"Mer, stop. It's not worth it" Derek placed her arm around Meredith

Ellis felt the tension and started to get a bit fuzzy, wrapping her arms around Meredith as her wrists bended again

"Stop doing this" Meredith said as she teared up "Please" She cracked out and cuddled the little girl closer while whispering some things before she walked back into the living room

"Miranda, we really appreciate you. We named our son after you but please leave Meredith alone for a bit. She doesn't deserve this and you know it. She won a Harper Avery and you blame her for being a good mother? It's unbelievable and now leave please. I have to go take care of my two girls that are upset because of your visit" Derek said

Bailey nodded and turned around. Derek closed the door and quickly went back into the house, only to see Ellis laying down against a bunch of pillows and Meredith sitting around her, massaging her wrists and kissing her head while Zola and Bailey were talking to her

"Is she okay?" Derek asked as he bend down next to them

"Just overtensed" Meredith replied

"Let me take your blood pressure" Derek said

"Derek, I'm fine" Meredith sighed but Derek continued. He grabbed the tools and checked her out

"Mer, this is way too high again" Derek warned her

"It will lower again once I'm cuddling my babies" She whispered

"Maybe we can talk about our visit to the zoo" Derek told the kids "Maybe that will help mommy and Ellie"

"I really wanna go see the lions and the elephants!" Bailey started telling them

"And flamingo's!" Zola added

They kept chatting away and soon enough Ellis joined them with murmuring stuff. The little girl was absolutely exhausted but her family meant the world to her

"Affe.. G-affe" Ellis murmured.

"You wanna go see the giraffes? Me too" Derek told her "They are my favourites"

"What do you guys think about a short nap?" Meredith asked when she saw the little girl in her arms couldn't keep her eyes open any longer

"Big bed?" Ellis asked

"Sounds great" Meredith giggled and stood up, feeling a small wave of dizziness but she tried to ignore it. She carried the little girl to their bed and crawled under the sheets, followed by Zola, Bailey and Derek

Zola and Bailey weren't tired so Derek turned on one of their favourite movies while Meredith and Ellis started to snore

"Mommy and Ellis snore loud" Bailey laughed

"They do" Derek confirmed. He pulled the sheets a bit more over them, making sure they were warm

"When are we going to the zoo?" Bailey asked

"Next week? Mommy will be doing much better by then" Derek said

"Okay" Both kids smiled and agreed


"Hmm" Meredith groaned as the little girl on top of her was stirring

"H-i" Ellis smiled the second she saw Meredith opened her eyes

"Hey baby girl. How did you sleep?" Meredith asked

"M-e t-ired" Ellis whined

"You're still tired? You had a couple of rough days, don't worry. Wanna go to daddy and your siblings, see what's up?

Ellis nodded and Meredith stood up, lifted the girl in her arms and entered the living room where giggles were filling the air

"Mommy! Ellie!" Bailey yelled as he saw them entering the room

"Hey Bails" Meredith smiled

"Bay!" Ellis started wiggling in Meredith's grip so she lowered the little girl that immediately waddled to her siblings but she fell on her but halfway

"I got her" Bailey said and he handed her a hand, pulling her up and assisting her to where Zola was playing

"Don't we have 3 amazing kids" Derek smiled as he wrapped his arms around Meredith

"We do. I'm so proud" She smiled

"Come on, let's sit down for a bit" Derek said and the two of them walked to the couch, looking at their 3 kids playing and chatting away

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