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Mentions of needles, explosions, kidnapping, and general LOV activities...

You have been warned!


Natsuo's POV

"Hey, don't cry. Don't cry." I held one of my patient's wrists as I sat on my knees. Her name was Asami, and even though she's been in the hospital for a while. She still didn't like shots very much. "It won't hurt." I looked into her watery eyes. "I promise." She looked over at the syringe in my hand for a minute then nodded. I smiled. "Ok, let's count to three. One, two, thr-"

"Run! The villains are here!" I suddenly heard someone shout. I crouched down, shielding the girl in front of me. Tossing the needle away in the process. I barely had time to react before there was a loud explosion. Which blew up almost the entire left side of the hospital. I opened my eyes to see blue flames scattered across the ground. Asami squeezed my leg.

"Hey, it's ok." I rubbed her head. I started to look around for help, but my gaze drifted to a silhouette stepping out of the smoke. The figure was a skinny young man with pale skin and messy light-blue hair. He walked over to me. I moved in front of her. The man looked down at me.

"You're Endeavor's son, aren't you?" I cringed at the mention of Endeavor. That b*tch was the reason I wanted nothing to do with most heroes.

"Don't-" The villain seemed to jump a little from my outburst. "Don't call me Endeavor's son. I'm just Natsuo." A crooked grin spread across the man's face as he started laughing.

"Alright, Natsuo. Choose one." He put a grayish hand over his face. "Fight, and everyone here dies, or-" He adjusted the hand. "Come with us peacefully." I looked around at the burned hospital. Then at Asami, who had started shaking after the explosion.

"M-Mister nurse, I'm really scared!" She was still clinging to me.

"It's ok, kid." I smiled at her, attempting to calm her down. I looked up at the man still standing over me.

"I'll go with you." I stood up. Making the powerful man in front of me seem a lot less tall.

"Excellent." A spine-tingling smile grew across the evil-doer's face as he grabbed a hold of my wrist. Leaving one of his fingers off. "Now, I wouldn't flinch if I were you." I gulped." After all, most people like to keep their hand." He scratched his neck then started pulling me behind him. 

Out of the hospital and through the new hole in the wall. "Let's go." He looked over at the two villains waiting for him. The blonde one looked like she wanted to talk to me or something, but she was stopped by a man with purple scars. I was helplessly shoved into the back of a van by the first villain. Who put a blindfold over my eyes. "Get comfy. It's not exactly a short ride." I heard the doors slam behind him. 

I don't know how I'll get out, or if I even will. All I know is if I can't find a way out. Fuyumi's gonna go berserk. Well, today's going great I thought as the van started moving. Absolutely terrific.

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