Fight for seats

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I'm sitting at my usual place. On one chair in front of me is my bag and on the second is my sweatshirt. Chair next to me is taken by my leg.

Why? Why am I bothering with this "This is my spot" process we all know so well since kindergarten? Well because this is a High School canteen and unless you'll show it to everyone, someone's gonna at least take your chair.

This school is so typical. Just like you know from movies. We have sections. Like Musicians, Athletes, Cheerleaders, those smart ones and those who lay in books all day long to keep going with those really smart ones, because that is all they can do. We have mean girls -  supresingly, most of them are Cheerleaders (note the sarcasm). They are rich and spoiled and usually good for nothing. But why should they be good since they have a family fortune? We also have junkies. I guess every school has one or two black sheeps, who are getting high in basement so no one would know, but actually everyone knows. There are Brainwashers, as me and my friend like to call them, perfect material for politicians. There are also Actors and Medics and so on.

Jep, it'd a typical school. There are loved, hated and invisible, which I'm trying to be really badly, though I could be artist. Wait a minute, we'll get to know each other later.

Eric topples himself on the chair across the table and throws my bag on me. I catch it with a light smile. "Hey Sid," he greets me, but my mouth is currently full so I can't answer. My nod will have to be enough for him.

Eric Cullus ( or E. number one - you'll understand soon, don't worry!) was born 13. 5. 2002 and is 17.
He is tall and well built guy ( if you know what I mean - wink, wink ). He's got a blue eyes and light brown hair and he's one of my best friends. He studies sport here, though he's not the best one he doesn't care. According to him, people should do what they love. His family is quite rich, but he's one of few people proving saying "Money spoil character" wrong. Also he's an only child.

"I'm so happy you didn't wait for us," says Emil as he sits next to Eric and hands me my sweatshirt. I take it and stick out my tongue.

"Not that I didn't want to, but this food is much more awful when it's cold." No one can say anything against that. Everyone knows that stories about bad school food are nothing but true. I mean, when your pouring food from buckets, how many of us will not think about throwing up? And let's be honest. How many of you would want to eat it?

I almost forgot! Here's something about Emil Tolston (aka E. number two - catching now?) He was born 8. 7. 2001 and he is 18. He is studying medicine, since he always wanted to become a doctor. His parents had divorced, which had a huge impact on him and to add to it, neither of them supports his dream of becoming a doctor. He has a hard time with his family.
You're probably wondering what he looks like. And I'd say I will not disapoint you, yes, Emil has glasses. He's got a hazel eyes and ginger hair, he's about 170 cm tall and weirdly thin. He looks a bit crazy, a perfect doctor right?
I should also say, that Emil has weird affection for lab coats, so if it's not written otherwise, you should probably picture him in it.
If I should say something about his character, he's extremely loyal friend who will keep all secrets. He's got weird kind of humour, which I really like.

There's a noise coming from the other side of canteen. Boys across the table shake their heads in disagreement. "Another broken heart?" I ask and turn as they nod. I turn to look at I4, I really don't like those guys, but I can't resist. There's something weirdly funny about girls falling head over heels for those guys all over again.

Everyone is watching tall confident girl walking to I4, just to see her run out of the canteen in next second. I just shake my head and turn back to my plate. And yes! I have something to explain again. I'm in this school for three months and I already know more than I like.

Let's start with the nickname of the group. Why I4? It's for Incredible four. God that's crazy don't you agree? They are friends since kindergarten and they have always stuck together. Considering the fact that everyone is studying something different, I'm really curious what they are going to do when they graduate.

Next question is probably why Incredible four? Well as most of the people in this school would say, they're simply incredible. But here are facts. All of them are really tall (over 180cm), they are able to talk at least in four languages and they are the top in their field. And I guess that you figured out the 4 yourself. There's four of them.

Basically I could say, that our school is splitted into four groups.
First, they love them, admire them and so on. Thats majority of students.
Second, they would like to be them. Let's be honest, I kind of understand that one.
Third, they don't care. That's where Emil and Eric are.
Fourth, they don't like them. Honestly it's possible that there's only me in this one. But whatever.

And I guess I should also name members right? But we'll get to know them later, so their names will have to do for now. So here they are:
Sebastian Eady
Liam Calahan
Dominic Eastroph
Joel Drake
That's it for I4 for now and it's enough right? I guess no, everyone has a skeleton in closet and I4 are no exception. And they are also important so I'll get back to them.

"Well can you believe that?!" Tray with food is smacked on the table right next to me so loudly, that a few people glare at us. Ellie is sitting next to me, super pissed. "How can they humiliate them like that?!"

"And aren't those girls humiliating themselves? I mean, coming to person you never talked to or something and say I like you? What are they expecting?" I oppose and boys nod in agreement. Ellie glares at me. "Alright, Alright. That's enough. You look like a pissed lemur right now." In next second the mood is fine again and we're laughing.

So Elizabeth Merely (alias E. number three, you know for sure, don't you? All my best friends names start with E. So don't be confused if I'll mention E-trio in future). Ellie is funny and cheerful person, everyone would take her as a friend at first sight. She's nice and incredibly loud, which is not bad, since she wants to be an actress. She's tall, thin with long legs perfect for short skirts, and beautiful with blond long hair and lightly blue eyes.
Ellie often says she'll be next Meryl Streep and everyone believes it. She wanted to be an actress since she realised she can't sing and therefore she can't be a singer. It's her dream and she's working really heard to achieve it.

"Sidney, can't you at least check in mirror before going outside?" She's watching me critically.

"Paint?" I ask, smiling, thinking if it's on my face too.

"Of course! You have blue smudge on your face! And... Oh God! Have you even seen your jeans?!"

"I bet she saw them. But Sid doesn't care about some jeans, right? How-manyeth are these anyway? Second?" Eric tries to guess.

"I think third!" Takes his guess Emil.

"Actually fifth," I say laughing, while Ellie is shaking her head in disbelief.

And that's me! Short, dark haired girl with unnaturally bright green eyes. I'm always covered in paint and have my sketchbook with me all the time.

I have a pretty complicated past, so we'll leave that for now.

We are all eating (well more playing with our food) and not talking. I can hear people around talking, everyone pays attention to his own group. And then suddenly a bell rings. We all stay there, but a few students leave, they have afternoon classes.

About three minutes afterwards, Ellie is getting up. "See y'all later loosers! Gotta go now!" She picks up her trace, getting ready to go.

"El watch out!" Eric yells, but too late. Ellie and Sebastian already crashed. All food is on Sebastian, ground or poor Ellie who is also on the ground.

We look up, just to see Sebastian watching my friend with those spiteful eyes.

This is not going to end well...



First chapter is out! I hope you'll like the story!

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