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Nagito wakes up in his room to the sound of his phone alarm going off. "Fuuuck-" he mumbled as he rolled over to face his bedside table. He tieredly reached for his phone and turned off his alarm. He sighed and looked at the time, it was 11:00. 'Why did I set this alarm again..?' He thought.

He put his phone back down and rolled to lay on his back. He stared at the roof 'who was that..in my dream.. I can barely remember what he looked like..' Nagito pondered on the thought for awhile 'and..why did I- want to kiss hi-'

Sans bursts in and Nagito sits up quickly- "dude- clean your room-- lol anyway don't you have a class in like 30 minutes? Lol also an old friend of mine is gonna come stay with us for a bit until he can afford his own place- cuz he don't got a skele-TON of money-"
Nagito stares at him for a second "Sans that was a terrible pun--"
Sans: "OH come on! That was a real RIB tickler ayyy"
Nagito: "Oh my god-"
Sans: "dude did ya lose your funny bone??-"
Nagito: "stop"
Sans: "I have a skele-TON more puns-"
Nagito "dude-- seri--"
Sans "fine fine- but you gotta admit that was humerus- "
Nagito: "...."
Sans: "okay I will stop"
Nagito: "thank you-- When is this friend of ur coming?"
Sans: "like l8er today- anyways i gotta go get some things from the store- u should get ready to go too-" sans starts to walk out
Nagito: "hey uhm-"
Sans: "yeah?"
Nagito: "what- what does your friend look like..?"
Sans: "why? You'll see him later today you will see what he looks like then I gotta go bro" sans leaves the room.

"Sans wai--" he sighs and looks at the time again, its 11:05.. he has a class at 11:30- "shit--"
Nagito gets out of his bed and quickly starts getting ready for class- he doesn't have time to get breakfast- he takes his bag and quickly leaves the house.

After some time he makes it to the bus stop, just barely making it- he steps on the bus and sits down. Nagito checks his phone- it's 11:20... 10 minutes to get to there. 5 minutes pass and the bus stops and he gets out and runs across campus to his class. He opens the door and as he sits down the clock on the wall turns to 11:30. 'Just in time.' He thinks to himself. He let's out a sigh of relief and takes his stuff out of his bag and he opens his laptop and sets it on his desk. He hears the door open and he sees someone enter- he looks over at them and they make eye contact for a few seconds.. 'those eyes...is that-...they boy from my dream..?' Nagito thought 'no.. that was just a dream- that..'
The boy walked over to Nagito and sat right next to him-
"Hi- you're Nagito right? " the boy said. "Oh- hey-- yeah" Nagito replied.
"so- Sans told me you also take this class and that I should introduce myself since I'm gonna be moving in with you and sans-- so hey- I'm Tord" Tord puts his hand out for a handshake and Nagito looks down at his hand. 'Its- its the same as the boy from my dream--' Nagito shakes Tords hand and Tord seemed to be examining Nagitos Junko hand.. Tord let's go of his hand and turns towards the front of the class as the professor walks up to the front.

Class proceeds as normal however Nagito can't stop thinking about the dream.

Nagito can see Tord glancing over at his left hand as they take notes... which is totally reasonable because Nagito has the hand of a fucking dead woman attached to his arm but... he can't help but wonder if he's looking at it for some other reason.

The class ended and they both packed their things and got up. Nagito checks his phone for the time it's 3:02. He sees sans messaged him
'I won't be home till about 11pm cuz Mordecai needed me to pick up him and Twilight from the airport and like ya its 5  hours away and the drive back is also 5 hours so yeah- but I assume Tord introduced himself 2 you- so when you guys get back to the house show him where his room is will ya? Also please remember to take your meds dude- I'll ttyl-'

Nagito just likes the message and puts his phone away "Okay let's get to the bus" he says. "Alright" Tord says

[Time skip- They arrive at the house]

They walk in "Okay so uhm- this is the kitchen- andd that's the living room- and the laundryroom and bathroom are right over there-" they go into a small hallway with three doors "this is your room" Nagito points to the room on the right wall "mine is that one-" he points to the left door "so if you need anything I'm mostly in there- san's is the one at the end of the hall- so yeah-"
Tord nods "mm okay-"
"Also sans said he already moved your stuff from his car into that room so you can go unpack right now if you want-"Nagito adds.
Tord: "Yeah I'll start unpacking now"
Nagito: "I can help unpack if you need any help"
Tord: "yeah I might need some help-"

[Time skip again cuz I'm lazy]

They've unpacked all his things but both of them got distracted by random things they found in boxes-

"what's this?-" Nagito pulls out a box labeled 'not hentai' and starts to open it but Tord quickly snatched it out of Nagitos hand "donttohsvthatjdgkhs-- thats- thats not important" he puts it under the bed and nervously laughs- "oookayyyyy-"  Nagito says "so that was the last box- that took so long" 
"Yeah" Tord laughs and stands up

Nagito stands up too "I guess I'll go to my room then- its getting dark-" he starts to leave the room "you could come into my room if you need anyth--" "do you wanna watch a movie?" Tord asks suddenly
Nagito turns around "O-oh- um sure-"

[Chapter end]

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