3- First Day on the Job

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Cole woke up energized and ready for the new day, or at least that's how he had hoped to wake up. He had been having a bad morning, First, he spilled his coffee EVERYWHERE then, the lady at the café got his order wrong, and finally, he was late to work. Ugh and today was the day the met his enemy the one supposedly "plaguing" the kingdom with evil.

Him and his team followed a map that had been given to them by the king, and followed it into a nearby forest. "Are we going to have to travel like this everyday?" Ingrid complained, "I don't know, but your right, it is really far" Cole responded. "Will you two quit complaining?" Sara chimed in, also annoyed at the length of the journey "The thingy says we're almost there" said Zara. Finally they arrived at the intimidating castle and were greeted by soldiers, but these soldiers seemed different than normal. For one, the inside of their helmets were pitch black, like instead of faces there were just dark black holes, and the way they walked, it looked like they were brainwashed zombies. It wasn't until they all got closer that they realized, these weren't soldiers at all, they were spiders!

Now that realization made Cole's skin crawl.

They all stepped out of the shadows of the forest standing heroically for a brief moment before the spider/soldier creatures attacked.
One lunged at Cole swinging it's sword at him, he doges and shoots it with a fire spell. And continues on and, along with his team fights the spider/soldier creatures.

(Time skip bc I don't wanna write all that fighting)

The team stands in front of the castle doors, having defeated the spider/soldier creatures, who now lay on the floor mostly mutilated some crawling away. Sara puts her hand on one of the doors and pushes, it opens seemingly easily, they walk inside and there he is, sitting on his throne, The Spider King.

Hi! Thank you sooooo much for reading, the next chapter will be up soon (if my sister quits hogging the phone).

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