Chapter :3 Watching a Movie

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Our fandom isn't Falling apart it's only getting stronger and GOD DAMN LANA ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU JUST GAVE ME 100 IDEAS OMFG if you want to know what I'm talking about Listen to Blue Jeans by the one and only Lana Del Rey <3
~=+=~ Jordan's POV~=+=~
"WILLIAM WILLIAM WILLIAM" I screamed playfully soI could talk to him. "Yes Jordan?" He said poking his head out of his recording room. "oh im sorry did I inturrupt your recording Baby?" I said (Now it's At National Anthem God Damn Lana) "no I was just doing my outro no biggie" he said walking towards me. "what's up" he said while putting a grape in his mouth. " Well I was hoping we could have a Movie night" *I said smiling. "YEAAH We should we haven't had one in ages but yeah sure" He said obviously excitingly. "Awsome I'll go buy some food and you can finish as many clips and outros as you want" I said. "Ok but I've already prerecorded videos for the next 3 days" he said slightly laughing. "is there anything else I can do" He said."Well you could set up the date and pick the movie" I said."OHH you want MEE to pick the movie ok ok I see you're in for a suprise"he said with a wink."NO PORN WILLIAM" i said as a joke."Aww" he said pouting laughing afterwards.(Summertime Sadness oh god) "I wasn't going to pick porn baby and you know that" he said still laughing."I know will ok I'll go grab the food I'll be back in a bit bye babe" I said.(stoner girl oh god) "ok by babe" He said and pecked my lips. "bye" I said and grabbed my jacket and left. I grabbed popcorn, Ice Cream, Candy, a Red Bull for Will an Arizona for me, and tissue because knowing Will he's going to need them. I was at the cashier when the girl who looked about 17 said "what are you buying all this stuff for? Are you going on a movie date?". "Yeah something like that" I said laughing slightly. "oh Well that girl must be really lucky" she said. "guy" I murmured. I payed for my stuff and was about to leave when the girl said "Have a good movie date with Will Jordan" she said smiling."OHH MY GOD" I said looking at her."I big fna" she said."can i have an IRL screenie" she said."Of course if you only keep this between me and you" I said. Wr haven't announced our relationship to Fans. "YES OF COURSE" she said jumping. I gave her a picture and told her to give me her Twitter. She gave it to me and I waved and left."Im home" I shouted "JOORRDDDAAAAN" Will said jumping on me. We both fell on the floor and started giggling. We are just 5 year olds sometimes. "Why do you have stickers on your face babe?" I said laughing."because I needed to express my inner Fangirl" I said. I just looked at his cheek to see what he meant. I saw one that said Im big fna, I love Bayani, Kiani, and one that had our Minecraft characters. "What the Hell How'd you get these??" I said."Fnnnaaaas that's where"I laughed and saw that he chose Titanic. "Really?" I said laughing. He nodded. I put the movie in a we both plopped down with a blanket Will put and We had the food on our coffee table. I wasn't paying attention while Will on the other hand was full on crying. I laughed quietly he's so cute I thought. I put my feet in his face as a joke and we just had a feet to face battle. I was winning and He gave up. "I WIN OUR FEET BATTLE" I said proudly.He laughed and made his way to my side of the couch and layed ON TOP of me. "Hold me Jack" he said. I laughed and hugged him. He turned around and we Kissed. He was a good kisser I must admit he tasted like caramel. We pulled away and I put my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. "I love you" I said and put my chin on his shoulder."I love you more" he said."Not possible" I said. "You know it's true Jordan I love you more" He said slightly laughing. I blushed and hid my face into his Shoulder. We watched the rest of the movie and Kissed afterwards.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I detail my Chapters too much Lol But this one was cute I cried and Guys calm whoever left this fandom was a fake fna forget them :) peace out ~@Princessqtonq B) my new @ tho

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