Chapter 14

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A groan left the young woman's lips as she awoke from her groggy slumber. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and recognized her surroundings. Since she was awake, the pain had decided to kick in and she whimpered as she removed the blanket that was on her and saw her whole entire foot bandaged. Fuck me...

She looked down to see if there was something for her to use to get down from the bed. Looks like I'll have to be careful getting down. I don't really know if I should trust the couch when it's in bed form right now. (First Name) carefully slid out of bed and used her uninjured foot to support herself coming down onto the couch. She quietly gasped when the couch began to wobble, but she quickly collected herself and carefully collapsed onto the sofa sleeper. She sat up and got off it to search for the first-aid kit. The way Michael bandaged her foot was making her uncomfortable and wanted to renew the bandages.

(First Name) limped to the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat and grabbed the kit as it was sitting on the sink. She cut the bandages off and looked at her foot to see how it was. She frowned at the sight of the bruising and swelling on her pinky toe, but her ankle didn't look too bad. She re-bandaged her foot properly and looked through the kit for some medicine. Tylenol. I would rather have Ibuprofen, but this will do. She thought when she found the pain relief bottle. (First Name) wobbled up and crossed her fingers in hope of a water bottle being in the mini-fridge. Fortunately, there was a bottle in there along with some snacks. She beamed at the items and grabbed them before she collapsed onto the couch.

After taking the medicine and finished her snacks, she scooted off the couch and onto the chair connected to the wall. She scooted to the window and brought her face as close as she could to look through the tint. It's still pretty dark so I can't really see much. She thought with a sigh and was about to get up to go back into bed, but she noticed the RV started to slow down. Might as well stay down here since he's most likely coming inside or we're both going outside.

Not long after, Michael parked in a secluded area and entered the RV to check on (First Name). He already knew she was awake from the amount of noise she had made, so it made things easier for him as he didn't have to wake her up or drag her out of bed. He watched her slide out of the booth and pushed herself up with a slight wobble as she didn't want to add any pressure to her foot. He stepped out of the RV and bent his knees a bit for her to climb onto his back. He heard her sigh before climbing into his back.

The two traveled towards the rest stop and Michael froze when he saw a few people hovering by the bathrooms and the vending machines. He backed up a bit and turned around to head back to the RV. "You're going to go kill those people, aren't you?" She questioned bitterly. Michael didn't answer her and she added, "I don't need to go to the bathroom. If you don't either, you shouldn't have to kill these innocent people." Michael gave her a light squeeze in response which confused her. What does that mean again? Did we ever make that an answer? "I... I don't know what that means." He gave her three squeezes which meant "okay".

If I am going to ask him things, I really need to remember to make the questions yes or no. "Are we here because you need to use the restroom?" Two squeezes. "Collect food?" Two squeezes. (First Name) tried to think of more answers, but he drew an X symbol which made her wrack through her memories to remember their codes as she only remembered the three basic answers. I think... I think X is "stop". (First Name) furrowed her eyebrows when she realized he was telling her to stop guessing. "I need a review on the codes." She grumbled to herself but was slightly surprised when he answered her with three squeezes.

(First Name) impatiently waited inside the RV while Michael murdered everyone at the rest stop. She really didn't like the idea of him killing a bunch of innocent bystanders and she didn't understand why they stopped if neither of them needed to use the restroom or to receive snacks/drinks. If he wanted to get to the vending machine, he could have just waited for everyone to leave the area for him to sneak around. Her eyes widened when she heard someone banging on the door while crying out, "Is anyone in there?! Please help me!" (First Name) stayed in her spot as she debated if she should help them or not. Morally, she should help them because a person is in need of help, even though she knows who is after them. However, (First Name) was in survivor mode and she figured there would be a punishment if she did try to save the person from Michael. The thought of another broken toe didn't settle right with (First Name).

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