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I open my eyes and look around. I was back in Jazmyn's room. I rub my head and sit up. I go to my bag and sit down. I pull out a pair of white jeans, purple Converse All-Stars, and a plaid purple shirt. I grab my foundation and walk to the bathroom.

I take a shower and carefully wash over my bruises. I step out and wrap a towel around me. I look in the mirror and touch the bruise on my face. I wince as I apply pressure to it. It was six in the morning so Jazzy wasn't awake yet. I open the door and fall on top of someone. Justin laid underneath me since he was the one I ran into. He smirks and then I hear a gasp.

I look to see Jazmyn standing there with her arms crossed. She looked pissed until she saw my black eye. Her expression turns to horror. I scramble off Justin and hide my face.

"Rosalie, what happened?!" she gasps, running into the bathroom where I sat against the wall, covering my face with my hands.

"You weren't supposed to find out. I still can't believe Justin found out. You weren't supposed to find out," I say, shaking my head.

"Rosalie, look at me. Look at me!"

I peek through my fingers and Jazmyn was squatting in front of me. She pulls my hands from my face and I look away.

"Get dressed and meet me in my room. We are talking about this," she says, standing up.

Justin had a sad look on his face before Jazmyn dragged him away. I sat there and cried.


Jazmyn closes the door and turns to me.

"What is going on? Who did that to her?" she asks. "Who would do that to anyone? What did she mean when she said you found out? She told you?"

"Jaz, calm down for a second. She didn't tell me before you in a way. I found out by accident also. She is the one that is going to answer the others because those aren't mine to answer," I say, holding her shoulders.

Jazmyn paced and paced until Rosalie came in with a purple plaid top, white jeans, and purple Converse All-Stars on. Her wet hair fell around her shoulders, not bothered. Jazmyn hugs her tightly, crying into her shoulder.

"Babes, why didn't you tell me someone hurt you?" she cries.

"Because you'd tell and then they'd take him and I'm all he has," she says, looking worried and scared.

"Who are you talking about?" Jazmyn asks.

"My father," she answers.

"How long has this been happening?"

"Six years."

Jazmyn gasps covering her mouth with her hand. She grabs her keys and turns to me. "You're coming with me to get her stuff."

"What?" Rosalie asks, looking between us.

"I am not letting my best friend, practically sister, stay somewhere where she could die and she is hurt constantly." Jazmyn grabs a duffle bag and a suitcase from her closet. Justin gets up and leaves the room, coming back with a few suitcases himself.

"I don't have that many clothes," Rosalie whimpers.

We leave and Rose tries to stop us, but to no avail. We drive over to her house and walk around to her bedroom window. We slip in and see her room. Her bookcase was barely filled, only about a dozen books. I head over to her closet and open the double doors. There were about five shirts and three hoodies.

"She was serious," I say as I threw her clothes into a suitcase. Jazmyn had been putting the contents of the bookshelf into the duffle, but suddenly stopped.

"Jazmyn. We have to hurry before-" I start. I look at where she was and I see a picture of her mother and Rosalie along with a picture of the three of us as kids.

There was a piece of notebook paper folded up. I pick it up and unfolding it, something falling out in the process. I bent down and picked it up. It was a picture of me. I set the picture down and looked at the paper.

"June 17, 2012

Today, I have finally gotten to the point where I can't take it anymore. I hung a noose from my ceiling and I was standing from the chair about to kick it from under me when I see the picture. The picture of the one person that made it in the world without any sort of help. The person that carries on when the world doesn't want him to.

It was Justin. I thought of what would happen if he found out about me. Jazmyn would have him and Jaxon to comfort her, but he would hurt to. Right? I remembered the one day in third grade where we had been playing in the photo booth in the mall. We'd been taking pictures and he kissed me. He kissed me then ran off to our mothers. I took the pictures and kept them. I had kept them on my mirror, smiling at then every day until my dad burned them.

My foot was trembling on the chair and my hands gripped the rope. I stared at the picture and I lifted the noose from my head. I fell onto the bed and held the picture of us until I fell asleep. He will never know he saved my life."

I held the paper to my chest, tears spilling over. Jazmyn takes the paper from me and reads it. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. We quickly pack her things and drive back home. I was holding the picture of us and refused to let go. We walk inside and Rosalie comes running to us. She stops when she sees the tears on my face.

"Why are you crying?" she asks.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jazmyn asks, looking at her.

"Tell you what?" she asks.

"You tried to kill yourself," I say, holding out the paper.

"You read it?" she says, her eyes wide. "No, no, no. You weren't supposed to read that."

I reach out and hold her. Jazmyn joins in and we cry together. We were all together and Erin comes in from upstairs.

"What's with all the sad faces?" she asks. Rosalie avoids looking while we shake our heads. She nods, not entirely convinced as we walk up with Rosalie's things.

We set the bags down and Jazmyn leaves to give her some privacy. I sit down next to her while she lays down the bed. I brush the hair from her face. She sighs and looks at me.

"Now, you know," she says, closing her eyes. I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips.

She kisses back and holds my head to hers. Her mouth was warm and sweet, tasting like melted caramel. I lay down next to her and she stares at me.

"How do you love me?" she asks.

"Because you are my angel. Even angels need to be saved."

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