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This chapter will contain adult sexual content that is meant for mature audiences only. Read on if you dare.

Justin did another concert and everyone congratulated him on such a good job. It was the year mark of our relationship and I wanted it to be special. I don't think he remembered, but it really didn't matter.

I had gone out and bought him a gold microphone. It used up all my money, but I could care less. I had wrapped beautifully with a purple bow on top. I waited til he came back to give it to him.

Justin walks in the room, fresh out of the shower. His hair glistened with water as he shook it with a towel. I sat on the bed with my P.J.s on and my hands behind my back. He looks around and then back at me.

"Something wrong?" he asks.

I shake my head and stand up, keeping my hands behind me. I look into his eyes and he looks back.

"Oh! I almost forgot," he says, running out of the room.

He runs back in with a box in his hands. It was wrapped like it was by a professional. He hands it to me with a nervous look on his face. I take it from his hands and open the envelope.

"Dear my sweet Rosalie,

Today is our one year anniversary. I wanted to make it memorable so I got you something that I knew you loved. I love you so much. I will always love you and nothing will tear us apart.

Love always, 


My bottom lip trembles and I tear open the wrapping paper. I lift the lid to find the most beautiful necklace. It was a silver chain with a locket. The locket had the most intricate and beautiful design on the front of it.

I pick it up in my hand, setting the box down. I open it to see our formal picture inside of it. I remember the locket from the window of the jewelry store and pointed it out to Justin. Then there was the night of formal.

I throw my arms around Justin, holding him tightly. I feel tears slip down my face.

"Thank you so much, Justin," I say. I thought he forgot.

"You're welcome, baby," he says. He clips it around my neck, the locket laying in between my breasts.

I wipe my cheeks with my hands and grab my gift for him. I hold it out to him with a smile. He opens it and freezes. He looks up at me and then back down at the microphone. He picks it up and looks at me.

"I thought you'd like it since it went with you. You know, your outfits and your personality," I say, laughing nervously.

"How much did this cost you?" he asks. "You know I don't like you spending huge amounts of money on someone like me."

"Then don't worry about how much it cost me. I wanted to give the man I love something nice, no matter the price tag," I reply.

He looks down at the microphone. He turns it in his hand. He looks up at me and I see tears trickling down his cheeks. I walk up and wipe the tears from his face, cupping his cheeks in my palms.

"You didn't read the card," I say, picking it up from the floor.

I wrote, "Dear my love,

In this box is a gift for you for a whole year of loving me even when I was my worst. For being there even though your schedule is wack. I just wanted you to know I love you and appreciate all that you have done for me. I love you so much that no one can even begin to understand what you mean to me.

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