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(Still Justin)

We danced to slow songs and regular songs. We took pictures and talked to a few people. We headed home, Jazmyn and Jaxon stayed at the dance. Erin and Dad were still gone so we had the place to ourselves. She walked upstairs, her hair getting wavy. I go to the kitchen and see a note from my father.

"Dear kids,

Erin and I are going out to dinner and staying in a hotel for a couple days for our anniversary. There is plenty of food (and extra ice cream) to keep you fed. Don't do anything you'll regret... Justin.

Mom and Dad"

I turn around and something falls on the floor. I look down to see the familiar plastic package. I snatch it up when I hear Rosalie and shove it in my pocket. My heart was hammering against my chest as she walks into the kitchen, her heels off.

"What's that, Jay?" she asks.

"A note from my dad," I say. The condom burned in my pocket. "They are going to be gone for a little while."

She nods, wrapping her arms around my neck. I bite my lip and she purses her lips before leading me upstairs. We go to my room where she closes the door and faces me. She pushes me onto the bed and kisses me. She takes my jacket off and then unbuttons my shirt. I reach behind her and feel for the zipper. She slips out of her dress, revealing more curves than what I'd ever seen with a shirt.

She unbuttons my jeans and gets me in only my boxers. There were two feelings I had that screamed at me: one said to let go and give myself to her as she gives me her, the other said to stop what would happen. That she shouldn't give herself to me, but someone who really deserves it.

I knew that I would love the fact that the one person I would jump from a cliff for would be my first, but then I'd be guilty for taking her innocence. I feel my heart jump as she looms over me, her wavy hair tossed to one side. I kiss her hungrily and try to shove the forthcoming guilt to the side. As she starts to grind against me, I am struck with pleasure and anxiety. I could be having a panic attack if it weren't the pleasure just keeping me sane.

She reaches down and picks up my pants from the floor. She digs in my pocket and retrieves the condom. She brings it to her lips, the tearing noise making me cringe. Rosalie doesn't notice until I stop her hand.

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