Grammar Basics (Verbs)

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Case (Subject):
Nominative: the nominative of the subject is indicated by a high tone on the first syllable
Genitive: the genitive of the subject is indicated by a low tone on the first syllable
Accusative: the accusative of the subject is indicated by a rising tone on the first syllable
Dative: the dative of the subject is indicated by a falling tone on the first syllable
Instrumental: the instrumental of the subject is indicated by a bouncing tone on the first syllable

Singular: the singular is shown via a high tone on the second syllable
Plural: the plural is shown via a low tone on the second syllable

Present: present is indicated by a bouncing tone on the third syllable

Past: past is indicated by a high tone on the third syllable

Future: future is indicated by a low tone on the third syllable

Progressive: progressive is indicated by a rising tone on the fourth syllable

Perfect: perfect is indicated by a falling tone on the fourth syllable

Case (Object):
Nominative: the nominative of the object is indicated by a high tone on the last syllable
Genitive: the genitive of the object is indicated by a low tone on the last syllable
Accusative: the accusative of the object is indicated by a rising tone on the last syllable
Dative: the dative of the object is indicated by a falling tone on the last syllable
Instrumental: the instrumental of the object is indicated by a bouncing tone on the last syllable

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