Outlaw Ladybug

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"You won't escape this time Blanc! Cause I'm going to stop you, and also drop the bag of jewels you stole." Says Ladybug.

"Oh, Ladybug! I'm not a criminal who steals things to get some attention. But, I'm just a humble outlaw like you." Says Cat Blanc.

"I'm not an outlaw, Blanc! I'm considered a hero, but to the eyes of the Royal Guards I'm not." Says Ladybug doubting herself.

"Stop, right there fugitives!! You can't run from the law." Says the Royal Guards.

"You have an insignificant problem on your hands, Ladybug." Says Cat Blanc gesturing his hand towards the Royal Guards on horseback.

"A wheelbarrow would make this job a lot easier." Says Ladybug looking at a wagon full of wheelbarrows.

"What are you thinking about, Ladybug? Are you thinking of doing a wheelbarrow race?" Says Cat Blanc.

"Yes, that's it!! I'll hitch a ride on a wagon." Says Ladybug running and jumping onto the wagon.

"Well, wish me luck Blanc!!" Says Ladybug.

"Good luck, Ladybug! You'll need it!" Says Cat Blanc waving goodbye to Ladybug.

"Guards! Guards! Guards! Get that fugitive before it gets away!!" Says the Royal Guards.

"I'm not a fugitive! How rude of you to think that!! I'm just a rogue hero protecting this Kingdom from the notorious Cat Blanc." Says Ladybug heading towards the dark forest.

"Tikki, Tikki, where are you? I need your help escaping these Royal Guards!" Says Ladybug.

"You summon me, Marinette?" Says Tikki.

"Yes, Tikki! I need your help. Can you summon the ladybugs to distract the Royal Guards?" Says Ladybug.

"Well, let's see what I can do?" Says Tikki shrugging her shoulders.

Tikki sent a signal through her antennas to summon all her ladybug friends she could find in a short notice.

In an blink of an eye, Ladybug saw a swarm of ladybugs attacking the Royal Guards.

"Are these a swarm of wasp or flying insects?" Says the Royal Guards.

"No!! These are not wasp, they are ladybugs!" Says the Royal Guards hitting the ladybugs with a fly swatter.

"The ladybugs are losing their strength, what should we do Marinette?" Says Tikki being really worried about her friends.

"Don't you worry, Tikki! I'll think of something. Just give me a moment to think." Says Ladybug thinking of a plain.

"It's not the most practical choice, but I'll have to do." Says Ladybug looking at the wheelbarrows behind her.

"Lets lighten the load, shall we?" Says Ladybug releasing the wheelbarrows from the wagon.

The Royal Guards horses were moving out of control, causing them to be taken for a ride.

"This is scary!! We're out of here!! Your lucky this time Ladybug, but next time we meet you won't be so lucky." Says the Royal Guards.

Once the Royal Guards had left, Ladybug than de - transform back to Marinette.

Marinette was cloaked and dagger. And off she went back to town.

Royal Ladybug: A Miraculous Ladybug story.Where stories live. Discover now