Dinner Proposal

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The  Coachman told the horses to make more haste, less speed down the road towards the Castle.

Inside the Carriage...

"Are you sitting comfortably, Miss? And what is your name?" Says King Mr. Agreste.

Marinette felt very uncomfortable friction inside the carriage, but she didn't want the King to worry. So she lied of how she was feeling.

"I'm very comfortable your Majesty! My name is Marinette." Says Marinette.

"Marinette, what a beautiful name. I wonder if there are any more beautiful girls in your Kingdom. But, I'm sure that every girl is beautiful in their own way. "Says Prince Cat Noir.

When Marinette took a good glance at Cat Noir,  she notice that he was tall, dark and handsome.

"How would you know, Chat? You only been in the Kingdom for at least 5 minutes." Says Marinette annoyed.

The carriage grind to a halt infront of the Palace.

"Your Majestys, and my Lady! We have arrived at the Palace." Says the Coachman.

The footman opened the door for Marinette,  causing Marinette to lose her footing. But, Cat Noir saved her before she fell.

"Be careful, M'Lady! You don't want to hurt yourself." Says Prince Cat Noir.

"Thank you for your concern, Chat! But, I'm sure you that I'm fine." Says Marinette.

"If you say so?" Says Prince Cat Noir shrugging his shoulders.

Cat Noir, King Mr. Agreste,  and Marinette all headed straight to the Palace doors. Only to be stalled by the Palace Guards.

"Halt!! Stop right there! That woman can't pass, because she's just a mere commoner. And only people that have an invitation from the King and Queen can enter through the Palace." Says the Guards pulling Marinette back.

"I need to keep a low profile, so I dont get reconize." Says Marinette worried.

Cat Noir was about to step in, until Alya beat him too it.

"Let the Princess go!! Can you see through your thick skull that she's the Princess in disguised." Says Alya ragging mad.

Alya is Princess Marinette's lady - in - waiting, and best friend sense childhood. But, also Alya is the Princess of her home town Kingdom - the Ce'saire Kingdom.

"Alya!! Dont just blurt it out, for people too hear!!" Says Marinette yelling at Alya.

After Alya revealed the Princess's secret, the Royal Guards burst out in laughter.

"I tell ya, its true! Marinette really is a Princess." Says Alya in discreet.

Just than, Lila burst through the doors saying... " Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude! But, my little Sister always seems to play in disguise. I'm I right, Marinette?"

All eyes were on Marinette like hawks.

"And, what is your name dear Princess?" Says King Mr. Agreste.

"My dear Majesty. My name is Lila, and I'm Marinette's older Sister." Says Lila.

"Marinette, is that true? Your really a Princess?" Says King Mr. Agreste.

"Yes, your Majesty! I believe so, but I'm sorry to have deceive you and your Son. I only wanted to escape the Royal life, just for a while." Says Marinette disappointed.

"Thats quite alright, Marinette. When I was your age, I used to disguise myself as a commoner. To fall in love with a girl. And with your mother's advise, I was able to win her heart. But, their was also trouble along the way." Says King Mr. Agreste reliving his past.

"Well, in that case. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you." Says Prince Cat Noir kissing Marinette's knuckles.

At the foot of the stairs stood the King and Queen.

"We would love for you to join us for dinner." Says Marinette's Parents.

The King and Queen led everyone to the dining room.

While in the dining room, Lila was fluttering her eyelashes at Cat Noir across the table.

Marinette was bitting her lip with anticipation.

"So? Whats the problem? Why did King Mr. Agreste come to our Kingdom? I know its not for our trade routes? So, Mom, Dad? Whats the real problem?" Says Marinette.

"Ohh, Mari! Stop, being a busy body. Its not always your problem. Im pretty sure, that Mom and Dad's decision is important." Says Lila sarcastically.

Alya was burning mad, but Marinette hold onto her hand to calm her down. In the process, Cat Noir knew that Lila wasn't marriage material.

"Well, Marinette! The situation here is quite serious. You'll have no choice but to marry Prince Cat Noir. If you dont,  than he'll rise his taxes. So, Marinette? Whats your choice?" Says Queen Sabine.

"What, marriage?!! Did I just heard my mom correctly? I cant get married! I live a double life, and I must stop Blanc before he destoroys the other Kingdoms. So, I have no choice but to decline their offer." Says Marinette talking to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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