Carriage Wealth

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When Marinette finally got into town, she noticed that Manon was playing with a ball against a brick wall. She than went to the news stand and saw a wanted poster of Ladybug, with a reward who ever brings her into the Royal Guards.

While Manon was playing catch with the ball. The ball bounce off the wall, and it rolled into the street. Manon didn't have time to react to the upcoming carriage riding towards her.

"Get out of the way, Manon!!" Says Marinette yelling.

Manon was in too shock to move, so Marinette had no choice but to intervene.

"Move, you stupid child!!" Says the Coachman.

The Coachman was about to whip Manon, if Marinette didn't act fast enough to save her.

Without thinking Marinette swooped in and saved Manon from the carriage.

The carriage came to a screeching halt, alluring the passengers inside.

"Coachman, why did you stop?" Says King Mr. Agreste.

"He probably ran over a log or something hard." Says Prince Cat Noir.

"Stop making an accusation before you know the cause." Says King Mr. Agreste.

"Well, let's get out of the carriage so we can have a look." Says Prince Cat Noir.

The footman cleared the way, so the Prince and the King can step out of the carriage.

"What seems to be the matter?" Says King Mr. Agreste.

"My apologies your Majesty! But, it seems that this little girl ran into the street, and I was about to whip her to get her out of the way. Until this women intervene." Says the Coachman.

"Well, do you have a good alibi so we can believe you?" Says Prince Cat Noir.

"Just ask one of the surrounding citizens, if they saw what happened." Says the Coachman.

The surrounding citizens didn't say anything, because they were too scared of the King. And they might lose their land if they intervene.

"Well, it looks like that no one is coming forward. So that doesn't matter, but the most important matter is where is that little girl who ran into the street?" Says King Mr. Agreste.

"She's right over there!! Standing behind that women who saved her." Says the Coachman.

King Mr. Agreste walked up to Marinette and inspect her injury.

"So, your the women who saved this little girl?" Says King Mr. Agreste pointing a finger at Marinette.

"Yes! So, what if I am? That Coachman was going to whipped Manon for running into the busy street. I've no choice but to intervene." Says Marinette.

King Mr. Agreste bent down and patted Manon's head saying "But then again, you can't be more careful of your surroundings. I'm I right, little one?"

"Yes, Mister! I promise to be more careful." Says Manon.

"Good girl! Now go back to your mother. I'm pretty sure that she misses you and wondering where have you ran off to." Says King Mr. Agreste.

Manon ran off to go find her mother. Leaving Marinette with the Prince and the King.

"Are you stupid?!! Your risking your neck to save that girl. She doesn't need your saving." Says Prince Cat Noir.

"Are you crazy!! I care about these people in this village. I'm willing to risk my life to save others. You would do the same if you were in my position." Says Marinette.

"Now, Son! That's no way to talk to a lady. Why don't you ask her if she wants to ride in the carriage with us." Says King Mr. Agreste.

"Fine, father!! I'll ask her. Do you want to hitch a ride on my carriage with me?" Says Prince Cat Noir.

"Sure, why not." Says Marinette shrugging her shoulders.

The footman opened the carriage door for her, and the Coachman didn't object to the King wishes.

"Oh, my gosh!! Manon almost got ran over by that carriage!!" Says Rose.

"Well, it's a good thing that the Princess saved her. Who knows what will happen if she didn't." Says Juleka being grateful that the Princess saved Mrs. Chamack's daughter.

Royal Ladybug: A Miraculous Ladybug story.Where stories live. Discover now