g idle miyeon - wait forever

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genre: fluff

contents: goddess!miyeon, goddess in training!reader. based on destiny by mamamoo

warnings: none

synopsis: How long will you wait for your happy ending?

Jihyo's stern voice echoes off of the marble walls as you wince, turning on your heel to face her. She looks as majestic as ever, even in her red silk sleeping robes, though her expression tells you she's disappointed. "Are you trying to sneak out again?"

"Maybe?" you smile weakly, sighing when the goddess is unperturbed. "I'm sorry, I just... I wanted to see her."

She somehow manages to look sympathetic while still disapproving, placing her hands on your shoulders. "Y/N, I know you miss Miyeon. But she's a goddess, she has other matters to attend to, and you're training. There's no time for you to do anything other than train; once you succeed and become a goddess, too, you'll have all the time in the world."

You sigh, biting your lower lip and looking down. "I know. I'm sorry, Jihyo. But do you really think I can succeed? So many others come through and never make it."

Jihyo exhales softly, cupping your cheek to make you look her in the eyes. Something about her is just naturally comforting, probably why she's the one who guides the godlings. "Y/N-ah, you're special. You wouldn't be a godling if you weren't, so believe in yourself. Just wait."


"And get some sleep," she admonishes you, smiling kindly. "I'll see you tomorrow."

All you can do is watch her glide back to her chambers, collapsing on one of the cushioned gold chairs in the hallway to stare up at the ceiling.

To be honest, the only reason you accepted your destiny as a godling was the promise of becoming a goddess yourself and being with Miyeon for eternity. There's too many risks for you to do it on your own; you could spend your entire mortal life just training.

But if you do succeed, you'll live forever next to the only girl you'll ever love. You can do good for others, use your power for the things you wished the other gods would.

You could do anything for Miyeon, but you might not be able to wait forever.

You bow with the others, already backing towards the stables. Most of the other godlings team up, chattering as they make their way around the palace yards to practice archery, or swordfighting. Several silver-robed girls smile as they viciously stab and strike, golden-robed boys aiming perfectly with their bows.

Meanwhile, as soon as no one's watching you, you race towards the forest, bare feet first pressing into soft green grass and then harsh bark and dirt.

Of course, you don't feel much- despite not being even close to a fully-fledged goddess, your speed and agility is already out of the ordinary. You run so fast that you barely feel the roots under your feet, the trees in your way too easy to weave past.

You're already panting, though, by the time you slow down in the middle of the clearing. Here, a rare patch of green is illuminated by dappled golden light shining through the trees, the soft chirps of birds and animals a soft background noise.

But the thing that makes this clearing so special is the goddess who emerges from the trees. Miyeon wears the same white robes as everyone else, but she looks so much more ethereal, jewels shining in her brown hair and on her ears. "Y/N," she grins, opening her arms for a hug.

"Miyeon," you sigh, smelling roses and vanilla when you bury your face into her shoulder. She's warm as always, arms wrapping around your waist just tightly enough. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." She pulls back to smile at you, light dancing in her eyes. "Is Jihyo treating you well?"

You pout, forearms resting on her shoulders so that your faces are mere inches apart. "I tried sneaking out to see you yesterday, but she caught me. Jihyo's nice, but I just wish she'd let me see you more often."

Miyeon smiles, leaning in to press her forehead to yours. "She means well. It's frustrating, I know, but you'll be a goddess too in no time. I promise."

Instead of replying, you press your lips to hers, laughing when she stumbles back in surprise. She tastes sweet, too, a bit like champagne and strawberries, all bubbliness and honey. "That's what Jihyo said."

"Please, stop talking about Jihyo while you're kissing me," Miyeon jokes, cocking her head to fit her nose right next to yours when you kiss again. It's blissful, like nothing else could possibly be happening in the world.

But of course, you have to breathe; well, you do, Miyeon doesn't really. "How- how're the godly things going?" you ask while catching your breath. "Are you fulfilling your duties?"

She smiles, lying down on the grassy field with her hands on her stomach like a fairytale princess. Honestly, with the faint sparkle of her skin and the shine of gemstones beneath her eyes, you can barely believe she isn't one. "They're okay. I can't help but think about how much better they'd be with you, though."

"Cheesy." You shove her lightly as you lie down beside her, tilting your head to rest on her shoulder as you watch the tree branches wave in the wind. "I'm sorry you have to wait."

"Don't be," she protests, shifting to smile down at you. "I have to live forever, anyway, I'm okay spending it waiting for you. If you're with me, any kind of forever is enough."

"Okay." Sighing, you reach over to clasp her hands between yours. "But I can't wait forever. I can't spend forever doing this, Miyeon, and I don't want you to waste eternity for me."

Miyeon squeezes your hand and promises, "Then you don't have to. You can back out whenever you want, and I'll become human again to finish my life with you. Even a human forever is enough, Y/N."

A smile overtakes your face as you turn back to the sky, inhaling the smell of roses and vanilla amidst the summer breeze. "Forever, Miyeon. I love you."

"Love you too, baby."

"Didn't I tell you to stop being cheesy?"

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