Chapter 25

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He's lost it....big time

Kenny - Things couldn't have gone your way for years....could they have gone exactly how you wanted them to? Absolutely not, and the reason why is because you were oblivious to my intentions.....I have plotted against you, I have tried to take the "love" of your life away from you, I semi-paralyzed my cousin and I killed him a few short years later. I killed everything you held dear....your parents were nice people, but they were very shitty at the same time, who needed to be put in their places. Jaime should've died for what she did to you, and don't remember what she did nor did you want to believe it either. Stop hiding from the truth because it will always find you at your weakest point-of-mind. Although, I loved you....that didn't stop me from suffering some pain at your fingers, did it? Just the smallest things you have done, caused some painful moments for me. I hid the truth from you because I loved you, yet I would throw myself under the fucking bus, just to protect you. After you started shutting me out, I initially gave up on trying, but I forced myself to keep going on. That's when I started Sasha, the same girl who trusted you as kids, and you ruined that trust. You stole the person she loved, and eversince then, I have always hated your guts. Everyone hated your guts, but they were scared to admit it to your face. You have no real friends anymore....they all hide their true feelings of disgust, they all laugh behind your back, and they call you out of your name. Ask your cousin Ash......she is one of those people to trash your name. I know things that most people wouldn't believe, and you will be the first to know that if you continue on trying to get some revenge.....I will put you down before you can even blink. should quit while your ahead. This is something that doesn't involve you or any of your friends. You aren't the saviour of these people........besides, I killed your closest friend.....she wasn't much of a fighter like she thought. You lost her, and I took the pieces.....crushed them in my hands and burned them in the ground. You know the feeling of pain.....well, you and I should be somewhat close to the same level, shouldn't we? This isn't war......this is a moment in time, which will determine the fate of those who stand in my way......whether you live or die.

Taylor - You dare speak of her, like she isn't anything?

Kenny - You have no idea what she went you?

Taylor - I can take a few guesses as to what, but you should be more careful with your words....otherwise you'll be the one getting crushed.

Kenny - Come on Taylor....we all know that you can't fight, nor can you defend anyone for that matter.

Taylor - I'm guessing you never heard the story of Cain's end, did you?

Kenny - He was blown up by some puny punk......

Taylor - Well, that puny punk was me. I blew his ass up in a world similar to this may underestimate me, but you shouldn't have underestimated her because she has the ability to live through any kind of pain. Death can't hold her down, and neither can you. You think of yourself as a man without think I would believe for one second, that you have no sense of remorse?

Kenny - There are no feelings in this ol' heart of mine.....none to be found at all.

Taylor - I guess you are blinded by the darkness that shrouds your mind. Your eyes are dull of light, and your heart is encased in poison. You have become what Matt tried to keep you from being.

Kenny - Don't mention his name to me ever have no idea what he has done to me.

Taylor - He has protected you, helped you when you needed someone in those tough times.....he almost sacrificed himself to protect you when you were only a little kid.

Kenny - DON'T SPEAK OF HIM!!!!

Taylor - Then, you should know how I feel when you mentioned her death.....You took someone that I cared about, you took Kayla's parents, almost killed Jaime, and actually killed your cousin. You are not the kid that your family sees, what they see is someone who could be the disaster of their family name. That's why you are in a institution....just like Matt was when he was your age. I helped him get through his rough days, but seeing that you aren't worth the time.....I'll leave to suffer from your own unstability.

Kenny - Don't forget that you were once in my were mentally and emotionally unstable. You know what it is like to be stuck in your own mind. You know what it is like to be me, but you are not me....not by a long shot.

Taylor - I was once in your shoes, then I managed to put my pain aside and move on. You are still holding others accountable for your pain.....some should take responsiblity for some of your pain, but the rest of your pain is caused by you and you alone. The world shouldn't have to suffer because you feel that everything is their faults, when they haven't done anything to you. You need to wake up and realize that you could die sooner or later, if you continue to walk this path. Think about that for a while, you sick bastard.

Kenny - How dare you........

Taylor - I will crank your neck back so wouldn't have to suffer anymore, now would you? Although, that wouldn't be fair because then Kayla wouldn't get to see you die and she would love to see that happen. I will spare you just this once....but mention the only one I cared about again, and I will snap your neck in front of everyone in this goddamned building....understand?

Kenny - really have a strong grip. I guess you and I are exactly the same.

Taylor - and I aren't the same. My path doesn't align with yours......Peace vs Destruction. Sounds almost like what my brother, Angel had to go through with his older brother. Peace vs Destruction.....sure you can have peace, but some chaos would be in place to balance it out. What you plan on doing to this world, is destroying it from the inside-out, and I won't allow that to happen. Mark my words in that damaged head of yours.....hurt anyone else and we'll be coming for your blood.

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