Chapter 10

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Matt was finishing up when his cell phone rang, at exactly eleven thirty. He looked at the display and answered the call.

"Hello, Kim... I'm coming down already," he hurried to say, "are we going in your car?" Matt didn't like the idea very much, "I prefer to follow you in mine, all right?"

She agreed and hung up. He took one last look at the mirror and fixed his hair so that it was securely tied in a small ponytail. Matt walked over to the entrance table and took out his wallet, car and house keys. He went to the parking lot and started his car. He found Kimberly on the street, inside her car, waiting for him. When she noticed Matt's red car parking behind hers, she started her car. She was followed by Matt's Silverado.

Kimberly's grandparents' house was far from the city center and they had to drive for more than half an hour. The brunette stopped in front of a large gate flanked by very high walls and, in seconds, it opened. Both cars got in and after driving a little further through a beautifully manicured forest, they parked in front of the Thompson's mansion.

When they got out of the car, they finally saw each other in person. Matt walked over to Kimberly and gave her a long kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, Matt."

"Hi, Kim."

"You are handsome."

"I can say the same about you," he smiled at her.

"Impossible! 30-hour shift, my friend, I'm devastated."

"You shouldn't have come then! You should take a rest."

"With the stress I am in, I will only be able to sleep after you help me."

Matt knew exactly what she was talking about.

"So we should have stayed at my house..."

Kimberly was already walking towards the main door and gave him a look full of ulterior motives. Matt followed and as soon as they entered they were greeted by Elisabeth Thompson.

"I still can't believe that Kimberly managed to convince you to have lunch with us, Matt. Be very welcome, my dear."

She greeted him warmly.

"She knows how to persuade someone, Mrs. Thompson."

"Please call me Elisabeth. We are at the dining room. We were just waiting for you to start serving lunch."

She had a sincere smile of happiness.

When they entered the dining room, Matt noticed a long table in which twenty people could seat easily. Richard Thompson entered through an opposite door from the one they used, reading the label on a bottle of wine. When he looked up, he noticed the presence of the three. He went over to Matt, greeted him enthusiastically and gave his granddaughter a kiss on the head. He suggested seating at the table, and everyone settled down at almost the same time.

As soon as they were seated, a young woman came into the room carrying a tray to serve them.

"My dear, Lauren doesn't have her talents, but she cooks divinely well."

"I'm sure she does. You are fond of good food. I'm going to love having a taste of Lauren's food," Matt smiled at the girl, "in fact, I love to try what is done by other people. Learning never ends and we always find something different in the method that each one uses to make a dish. I always learn something from other cooks."

He could not stop talking about his profession, even in moments of relaxation.

"So, I'm sure you will enjoy her food."

Parker's: The taste of a passionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora