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Warning it contains delicate circumstances ➡️➡️ kim taehyung's stalker with DID or dissociative identity disorder (two personality - sadist and the masochist)
➡️➡️ and it contains violence-related angst and drug...... if you are not comfortable reading this you can skip⬇️⬇️

                            ‼️Dangerous game‼️

Jimin is uncomfortable with them, smirking at him and at once whispering to his friend laughing.

Jimin is already stopping taehyung from drinking, because he think it might be get too drunk.

"It's too early why are you leaving right away the night is just starting" said the man to jimin, until they handed a glass of wine to teahyung and said "just a shot taehyung for your former teammates" and taehyung immediately took it and drank it.

Jimin looked at the men with distrust look and said "Taehyung that's the last shot, I'm just going to the bathroom when I come back we're leaving " and jimin glared at the three men who just laughed and didn't take what he said seriously..

But what jimin doesn't know..is that the three have already accomplished their dark plan.

One of taehyung's friends simply put the white powder substance in the wine glass....which jimin doesn't notice, because the man sitting opposite him is tricking jimin's attention to carry out their dark plan. And they did make the plan and simply clasped hands under the table and they laugh as jimin looks at them..

While jimin try to stops taehyung from drinking and then they thought that was the right time and pretended to say "just a shot taehyung for your former teammates" jimin felt fury with them, because they even offered taehyung a shot so he told them "that's the last shot, okay" and they just nodded that they were still grinning and that jimin didn't like what they were doing..

And he noticed that their eyes were red and they sniffed their noses and licked their lips as they looked at him., he feels they are high on the drug because that is what he often watches in the news.

Jimin wants to go to the bathroom, but he's worried about leaving taehyung with his stupid teammates so he just puts up with it but taehyung noticed it so he asked him "what's wrong with you" with a frown

And jimin whispered to taehyung that he was going to the bathroom, which taehyung immediately agreed and said that when he comes back they will leave and dropping him to his house and jimin went in the bathroom.

But take too long...

Because of the crowd and many using the toilet and he felt disgusted because some were vomiting, and others were just kissing and some were almost asleep inside the cubicle in the bathroom.

So he thought of just looking for another bathroom outside of the night club, he went behind it and there urinated.

Then he immediately returned but before that when he stood up and left taehyung, they offered taehyung another shot which taehyung immediately accepted..

And the three are whispered "that second shot, that gay is sure to freak out, let's see what he does" the three laughed while watching taehyung's slow crying, he was already blabbering on about yoongi's breaking up with him..

They were already laughing at it, because of the loud crying and calling yoongi's name while standing in the chair and they started to stand up and walk away from the table. When they noticed that people were already watching taehyung's self-deprecation..

This is what jimin caught in the scene screaming and dancing like crazy on the table, while taehyung was crying and jimin's red pouty lips gaped seeing people having fun and shouting at what taehyung was doing.

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