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Warning many events here have to do with crimes but everything is just a figment of my imagination. Nothing here really happened, there is drama here and kinkz ...If you are not comfortable you can skip it.

                               💔Heart's Questions💔

Have you ever experienced your first fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Or you're the type who doesn't agree on a lot of things?When did the first time you shouted at each other or the argument happen? How intense was your argument? Who will be the first to apologize, you or him/her? Did you physically hurt or insult each other? Have you always been true to each other? How much do you love each other? Will you be able to break up with him/her? Will you be able to leave him/her? Does he/she know, what you resent him/her for? When should you give or let go? When love brings you so much pain, is it still called love? How long must the heart be martyred in love? Do you enjoy being hurt more, do you feel his/her love that way? How long will you last in a relationship without a destination? Do you believe that love is blind or are you one of them, madly in love with him/her? Is your love life colorful, like a few lucky couples? When was the first time you cried because you could no longer hide the love you felt for her/him? After the fight between the two of you, where does it all end? Will it lead to sex or cuddle or will you not talk to each other all day?

Stupidity has no name, but is chosen to be put in the heart because it has no mind unlike the brain which knows a lot but is haughty in intelligence. Do you dare to answer the question of your heart using your brain?

                        ⚠️DARE YOU, ANSWER IT???⚠️


Taehyung wants to go out of the house with Jimin, and he plans to call him so that the two of them can run away so that they can at least be alone.

But jimin is with jungkook on the fool's side and the two go on kissing, taehyung tried to text jimin fifteen times but he didn't really read or even look at it.

Taehyung's heart is full of resentment that jimin is ignoring him. That just because he was with jungkook he forgot their plan.

Maybe it's true that jimin was just chasing him for sex that was on taehyung's mind at those moments. He remembered what jimin told him that there were no feelings that should be involved, he was not allowed to love jimin.

But it hurts to admit for taehyung that he has already started to love jimin, before the warned has been made and he can't control his heart anymore.

Taehyung was stunned by himself that he just standing there watched the two eating each other's mouth and let himself be hurt with millions of pains and punished his heart by karma of jealousy.

Taehyung thought of just calling jimin just in case he doesn't hear the notification sounds of his text, so he tried to call jimin's phone.

But in the five times he tried to call jimin, jimin did not answer even once. Taehyung sees how Jimin took the phone looked at who was calling and then turned off his phone.

Everything is now naked to taehyung and it's clear to him that his place in jimin's life is just on the side. Taehyung's head went down, his tears were dripping one by one on the marble floor

There is something stuck in Taehyung's throat that makes it hurt and causes his breathing to constrict and make him shed tears.

It is a heavy and bitter truth to know that he is ready to accept the leftovers that jimin will drop in front of him. He suddenly thinks that he is so miserable that why is he always alone, why?,

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