The mysterious bri'ish dick sucker at the brit core bar😱😱😱😱😱😨😨😨😨🥶🥶🥶

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And the mysterious figure was,,,,,,,,,,,, ONE OF EDDY'S INSTRUMENTALISTS??2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2?2???2??2?2?2?2?22?2?!22??22?3?!1!23?2??23?1??3!31? <<Ayo Eddy ready to wet some pretty little Galway pussy??>> he said as he stroked two guitar chords {is this even a term what the fuck} <<any day man I'm just ur local horny soft emo ekid kandi amogus balls ligma checco ioni boy UwU OwO QwQ >~< ^o^>>
He then stepped on the table next ours and started singing at the top of his lungs

<<The strip club isn't the best place to find a baka UwU sussy kitten
So the brit core pub is where I go
Me and my Bros at the table doing blowjobs
And ur sussy UwU Baka kitten submissive and breedable pussy comes over and starts an Adopt me! Trading with just me
Trust me I'm gonna destroy your pussy now
Take my dick in your hand, stop, put Pitbull on the jukebox
And then you start to stroke, and now I'm moaning like

UwU baka Kitten you know I want your submissive and breedable pussy
Your submissive and breedable pussy was handmade for me
Come on Now, ride my dick
I may be a baka sussy impostor, don't mind me
Moan, imposter, let's not dick ride too much
Grab my bills and pay them for me
Come on Now, ride my dick
Come come on Now, ride my dick

I'm in love with your submissive and breedable pussy
We->> he suddenly get interrupted by the pub owner, and my pussy stops throbbing OwO UwU QwQ 0///////0
<< Dante is out of lyrics, out of my bat mofos>>  we get sfrattati out of the bar and I'm sure somebody stole my wallet

A/N: wish those pills worked

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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