How You Two Meet

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Harry - You were walking down the streets of London for the first time. You and your friend Y/F just moved to London last night and wanted to get to know the city. You and Y/F are big time directioners but your pretty chill and cool when you see the boys, especially Harry. Harry has been your favorite since he walked out onto the X Factor stage for the first time. You loved how cheeky and flirtacious he was. You loved his big green eyes and how he laughs. As you were walking into Jack Willis, you ran into a boy who tripped you.
"I am so, so, so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you like that." He helped you up and you thanked him. "Your from America?" You nodded your head.
"That's so cool! I love Americans by the way. I'm Harry and you are.....?"
"Y/N". He smiled.
"Y/N, huh? That's a lovely name for a lovely lady." You blushed.
"Could I maybe have your number and we can hangout sometime?" You nodded your head and you both swapped phones. "It was nice meeting you Y/N!" He dashed out the store and met up with the rest of the boys. Maybe you guys can become more than friends?

Liam - It was you first ever signing! You and your friend Y/F were dying to meet the boys. Your favorite was obviously Liam. You loved how he has his little phobia of spoons. You think it's funny and cute when he screams at the site of spoons. You also loved his big brown eyes and his unquie birthmark on his neck. You and Y/F were up next and you spotted Liam. He caught your eyes and you both continued to stare at eachother.
"Y/N? Y/N! We're up next." Your friend nudged your arm and you walked up to the table. First person you met was Zayn. Your friend and him were hitting off and exchanged numbers. You both continued down the table to Harry, Louis and Niall. Harry, like usual, was flirting it off with you as you blushed. Louis just told you guys to keep your hands away from his Hazza. You laughed and moved onto Niall.
"So your the girl Liam has been talking about, aey?" You blushed.
"Don't worry love, he didnt say anything bad." He signed your CD and you both continued towards Liam.
"What's your name love?"
"Y/N? Is that how you say it?" You nodded your head.
"I think that's a splended name! Fits perfectly for a girl as pretty as you." You blushed as he handed you your CD. You saw all the boys signatures except for one particular one from Liam. Maybe we can meet up and chat one time? Text or call me xxx-xxx-xxxx <3 Liam. More than friends soon?

Louis- Starbucks is tons of work. Placing orders, making coffee and trying not to screw up orders was harder than you thought. You served old people, children and rude people. The most recent you have seen was a boy with blue eyes and a dashing smile. Every time you served someone that was rude to you, he always cheer you up and make you smile. You never really caught his name but he seemed like a lovely guy. You started your shift around 6:30 a.m. Pretty early but you needed the money for your apartment with your friend and your boss was going to pay you big time. First few customers were easy until this awfully rude guy comes up and demands his order. You hand him his coffee as he walks away, pissed. You were going to take a short breakfast break when the boy came in.
"Glad to see you today," you told him, "people these days are just plain rude."
"I know. You know my order correct?" You laughed.
"Yes I do and it will be coming up in just a second just let me write your name on the cup." You grabbed a cup and a sharpie.
"What's your name?"
"Louis Tomlinson and a lovely lady like you must have a name I suppose?" "
"Lovely name, Y/N." You blushed and got his order ready.
"Here you go Louis Tomlinson." You hand his coffee.
"Thanks and keep the change." He handed you the money and the signed reciept but with a bit more writing. Loved the little small chat. Think we can talk a bit longer? xxx-xxx-xxx Louis <3. Your heart was going off like fireworks and you were blushing. Maybe working at Starbucks wasn't so hard as you thought.

Zayn - You loved tattoos because they were cool and creative. You loved the graffiti and colors done to it. As you enter the shop with your friend, Y/F, you try to decide what you should get. You decide to get a music note. You plopped down in the chair and stretched out your arm. You gazed over towards the door and saw a boy with black hair a little blonde streak through his quiff walk in. His eyes matched yours as you turned and blushed. You noticed that the boy had many tattoos. You especially loved his taste in music with the microphone tattoo. He walked over and sat down in the chair next to you. The both of you just sat there in silence.
"I like your tattoos." He smiled.
"Thanks. My tattoos have different meanings."
"Like what?"
"Well, the microphone stands for my love for music and my 'ZAP!' tattoo stands for my love for comics."
"That's really cool. Your a singer?"
"Yeah. I am Zayn from One Direction." In your mind, you would be fangirling like crazy but you kept your cool and acted normal.
"Your really good at singing. I heard you guys sing a couple of times before."
"Thanks.  Lovely girl like you must have a name."
"It's Y/N." "Y/N? That's an amazing name." You blushed.
"We should hangout sometime. May I see your phone real quick?" You nodded your head and handed him your phone and he dialed his number in. You also put your number into his phone and handed it back. You both chatted for another hour until he was done with his new tattoo.
"I guess I'll see you around Y/N." He walked out of the store and walked towards the rest of the boys. Maybe you should get tattoos more often.

Niall - You had a love for food. Any type of food, you name it! Food was like your biggest thing and your favorite store to go to was the grocery store. You drove down the street to the store just to grab a couple of things: Nutella, chicken, cereal and Pringles. You walked down the chip aisle and saw a boy with blonde/brunette hair and bright sparkling blue eyes. He gazed down the aisle and started to walk towards you, You started blushing and pretended you were looking for something.
"Hi, I can help but notice you got a lot of food." You blushed.
"Yeah, I am a big fan of food."
"Oh really? I bet I am a bigger fan." You smiled and laughed.
"Doubt it!" You both started laughing.
"You must have a name?"
"Y/N? Well Y/N, you sound like my kind of girl. May I see your phone?" You handed him your phone and he handed you his phone. He gave back your phone.
"I guess I'll see around sometime." Note to self: grocery stores are the best place to find amazing guys.

So, as you people may see, I started preferences!

Whoop! Whoop!

Give me some ideas and I will gladly put them in here.

P.S- I ain't starting any requested imagines


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