The First Time He Said 'I Love You' 4/5

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Zayn - Zayn's pov: So, I decided to go to Harry's flat to spend time together. I drove down the streets of London, searching for his flat. Where the hell could his place be? Ah! Found it! I parked next to Niall's new Range Rover. I walked up the steps and saw Paul standing by the door. "Hey Paul. Care to let me in?" He chuckled. "Yeah. You a fan?" We both started laughing. "Oh, good one Paul! Never gets old!" He laughed and opened the door for me. I walked into the flat. For Harry's first house, it wasn't that messy. "Zayn!" All the boys came running up to me, hugging me. "Lads, you've seen me about a week ago." "So? It's still forever," Niall said. "Alright lads, let's go play some truth and dare!" All the lads went running for the living room while I, on the other hand, walked and tried not to ruin Harry's new flat. "So, who wants to go first?" Harry raised his hand. "Alright, truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to...walk around the house naked for the rest of the game." Louis wiggled his eyebrows as Harry got up and stripped to nothing. "Alright, truth or dare Liam?" "Truth." "Oy! Liam, you never pick dare mate." Niall shouted.  "So? Last time I heard, the game was called 'Truth or Dare' not 'Pick Dare and Only Dare'." "Fine. Truth is, do you have feelings for anyone?" "Mate, I am dating Danielle. Of course I have feelings for someone." I laughed as Liam looked at me. "Zayn, truth or dare?" "Truth." "Do you have feelings for anyone?" I started blushing. "I have this small crush on Y/N. She is amazing and beautiful and-Harry, what are you doing?!" He was laughing at me while Louis looked over his shoulder. "Looks like Harry called up Y/N and put her on speaker phone." He smiled while I blushed even harder.

4 weeks later

You went to Zayn's house to discuss with him about that phone call. "Hey Y/N, haven't seen you in forever." He smiled and opened the door. You both sat on the couch. "Zayn, about that phone call, were you lying at all?" He blushed. "I never lie about beautiful girls. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Your eyes when they glisten in the sun and your smile whenever I see you. Y/N, you make me the happiest guy on this planet and I was just so nervous to tell you all this because I l-love you." You smiled and blushed. "And I don't know what I would do without you. Your everything to me and you probably want me to shut up right no-" You crashed your lips onto his, cupping his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "I love you too. Don't ask me to be your girlfriend because it's going to be a yes." He smiles. "You just read my mind." You both laughed and that started the best relationship ever.

So, surprised you guys that I updated today and not Saturday, huh? Gotcha! I will try to do Niall's preference this Saturday or maybe sooner. Muwahaha! Anyways, ask you have heard (or not), I will start doing imagines. (yay!) So, all you peoples have to do is this:

Your name: I would like to know your name of course

Which guy: If you can't choose, I will choose for u ;) (doesn't matter, they are all hot anyways)

Situation: I want a situation. I don't have time to sit and think of a situation for you (not being mean)

Inbox me what you want and I will go in order. (sorry if it takes me a long time)

Vote, comment, fan :)


p.s- keep it going with the votes and comments. I love it :)

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