He Catches You Checking Pictures Of Him Shirtless (Part 2) 1/5

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So, I'm going to start it off from where I left off, okay puffins? I will ramble some stuff at the end too. Got some stories to tell so make sure you read it!

Harry's pov (A/N: For one sentence):

I saw her get out of the bathroom down the hall, smiling like no tomorrow

Ok, so now it's your pov. If you haven't noticed, pov stands for 'Point Of View'. Just some people don't understand it. Jeez......

You smiled down the hallway from the bathroom, smiling like no tomorrow. Why? Well, you just lied to Harry. Harry Styles! Kinda of good, kinda bad. You never lied him, never once. How were you going to tell him that you look at photos of him shirtless, dripping water down his chest from the water. You thought that was hot. (A/N: Some of you do.....Maybe all you guys do...) You were never aloud in the shower with him nor at the beach photoshoots. You sat on the couch as Harry smirked at you.

"So, Y/N, you wanna tell me anything?" He sat next to you, putting his arm around you, rubbing your shoulder.

"Nothing Harry, why?"

"Oh nothing, look at any photos lately? You know, of me, shirtless?" He smiled as you blushed.


"Aha! I caught you!" He jumped up from the couch and pointed at you, jumping up and down like a 3 year old who just saw a zoo animal for the first time. (A/N: I really don't know......)

"Harry, why is this so appeasing to you?" He stopped and paused for a moment.

"Well, first of all, you lied to me about the photos and you never tell me things like that." You nodded your head in agreement.

"True, true."

"Why don't you ever say anything?"

"I get nervous you'll won't show again..." He hugged you.

"I would never! I always want you to see my 4 special nipples." He lifted up his shirt for you. (A/N: Excuse me while I am laughing in the corner of my room....) You laughed and hugged him.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Well, I thought this 1/5 part was f*cked up. I think I did bad on the second part. Anyways, would you mind if a ramble a story?

So, Niall tweeted, "Just won a Brit! Now time to celebrate at McDonalds with a double cheeseburger." I wasn't going to put the whole tweet, just took it and wrote something like that. Anyways, that brings back memories. (Gather around children, STORY TIME!) So, I was 9 and we got lost in New Jersey and took the wrong highway to Florida. It was about 2 am and I was starving but I was sleeing. (I gotta eat man, I gotta eat if I am hungry or I am not a happy camper...) So, I woke up and looked around the car, starving. (My brother was lucky. If he wasn't next to me, I would have ate him. JK  I would NEVER! That would be disgusting......) So, I woke up and I accidently yawned really, really loud. My mom goes like, "You hungry?" I unbuckled my seat belt, (ILLEGAL!) and almost attacked her. I said, "Ma, GET. ME. FOOD!" She laughed and told me to sit down. We got to McDonalds (I don't eat there anymore because it's fattening food :P) I got a double cheeseburger with medium fries. I felt like the happiest 9 year old in the world! I literally (Literally!) ate the food in like 30 seconds flat.

That's why Niall is my favorite. His tweets makes me bring up the best memories! 

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