Your First Date/Hangout

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Harry - You and Harry were friends for threee weeks since you both met. He was taking you out to a fancy dinner. You dressed in an orange, strapless dress with brown flats. You curled your hair to perfection and heard the doorbell ring. "Hey Harry, come on in!' You guys hugged and he sat on the couch. "You want anything to drink at all?" "No thanks but I got to say, what a lovely dress your wearing and I love the color." You blushed. "Ain't too bad yourself, curly." He wore a black tux with an orange tie. "Shall we go to dinner?" You intertwined elbows with his and left the apartment. He parked outback and opened the door for you. "Why, thank you." You both laughed. By the end of the night, you both had a lovely laugh and a fun time. "I had lots of fun tonight Harry." He opened your apartment door for you. "I did too. Hope we can hangout again like that." He hugged you and kissed your cheek. "Nite Y/N!" He walked outside and drove off. This was the start of a great relationship....

Liam - "Bowling? Why does it have to be bowling?!" You were trying to find a nice outfit for your hangout with Liam as you were talking to you friend, Y/F. "Y/N, it might not be as bad as you think it would be. Maybe it will be fun." You rolled your eyes, sighed and found an outift. You came out in skinny jeans, purple converse and a purple plaid shirt. "Are you trying to inpress him? You guys have been friends for a month." "I know Y/F but what if he likes me more than a friend? I got to look good." The doorbell rang as you got up and ran to the door. "Hey Liam!" You hugged him and both of you walked in the house. "Y/F is just visiting and will leave pretty soon. You hungry at all?" He shook his head. "Thanks. Nice shirt and shoes, loving the plaid and purple." You blushed. You both headed to the bowling alley but he insisted to drive. "Liam, I got it." You smiled as he laughed. You reached the bowling alley and he opened the door for you. "Why, thanks Liam. Your a very good gentleman." You paid for three rounds of bowling and sure enough, he won two. "Now, you roll the ball straight down the aisle and knock all the pins as a strike, see." He rolled the ball down the aisle, sending it to knock down all the pins. "Great job Liam!" You clapped as he bowed causing both of you to laugh. At the end, you won the last game and he congraulated you by buying you lunch. "I had a great time Liam. We should do that again." He smiled. "Of course! Text me later, okay?" You nodded your head as he kissed your cheek. Is he falling for you?

Louis - You just decided to hangout with him at your flat today. "Hey Y/N! I am on my way, I'll be there soon!" "Great! See you in a bit!" You hung up and you finished cleaning your flat, trying to make the place the best as possible. You heard the door bell ring and you rushed to the door. "Hey Louis! Come on in!" He hugged you and gave you a light kiss on the cheek, since you guys are friends. "What you got planned?" "Well, I thought a movie and some games." "Sounds perfect! You got the movie Grease?" "Of course! Let's watch Grease!" You plopped on the couch while inserted the movie disk and plopped down next to you. During the whole movie, you and Louis were singing along to all the songs and Louis was acting like Danny. The movie ended and Louis jumps ontop of you. "Louis! What in bloody hell you doing?!" "Come get me if you can!" He dashed out of the living room and went to go hide in your bedroom. "Louis William Tomlinson! Get your ass out here right now!" You heard Louis laughing from the back of your closet. You opened the closet door and he jumped out at you. "Louis! Don't ever do that again!" You punch his arm playfully as he laughs. "Why, isn't Y/N a scaredy cat?" He laughs. After you hit Louis and made him laugh 5 million times, he sadly had to go back to work. "Hey Y/N, today was a really fun day." "Yeah. Maybe next time we can hangout at your place." "Sounds perfect to me." He smiled and drove off. Your heart was pounding and you were in love with Louis. Relationship?

Zayn - Just a normal day at the ice cream shop. You told Zayn you would meet him there at 8:30p.m but he never showed up. It was around 9:30p.m and you were about to leave when you saw a boy with a blonde streak running your way. "Sorry I am late Y/N. Simon held this really long, boring meeting and told us that we would be done around 9:30. I tried calling you but my phone died, see." He showed you that his phone would turn on and turn back off. "I believe you Zayn. Now, lets get inside for some ice cream before it closes." You both walk in as he  pays for the ice cream. "Zayn? What are you doing?" "What do you think I am doing? I am obviously paying for both of us." "Zayn, I told you that I could pay for us." "I know but I caused you enough stress by coming late so this is how I am apologizing." He paid for your ice cream and you both chatted outside. "Its getting pretty late. I'll text you tomorrow ok?" he kissed the top of your forehead. "It was fun today Y/N. I got something planned for next week." He smiled and ran to get a taxxi and left. He kissed your forehead, Y/N, you said to yourself. Next level?

Niall - Nandos! You were pretty excited for this day. Niall arrived at your house around 1:00p.m and picked you up. "Hey Y/N! Haven't seen you in ages!" "Niall, it's been a week." "So? It's still a long time for me." He smiled and drove down to Nandos. You both rushed inside and sat down at the table. "What would you two like to eat today?" "Anything with name that begins with chick and ends with en." The waiter walked away while you two were laughing your heads off. The waiter came back with 5 trays of food. "I bet you can't finish 3 plates of chicken, Y/N." "I bet I can!" "Oh! It's on sister friend!" You laughed while you both scarfed down your food. In the end, Niall was correct. You couldn't finish 3 trays. He laughed and dropped your off at your apartment. "Today was an incredible day Y/N." "It sure was." "And until next time, this is voiceover man signing off." He laughed while doing his 'voiceover man' voice. He drove away as you smiled. You were head over heels for this boy but does he feel the same way? 

I might update everyday or so. Help out @xHazzasHoex while you all are at it. 

If you don't know the 'voiceover man' voice that Niall does, you need to go on youtube and check it out. Its amazing! Here, I'll even help you out:


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