Cooling Off In The Creek

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Summer was finally here, it was fishing season so Rip and you hit the water when ever you could. But today was different, Rip wanted to go night fishing instead. Said he knew of a nice place to go and catch some big ones.

"Where is this little piece of paradise"? You said over the sound of the four wheeler as you traveled through the woods.

"Over the hill". He yelled back, speeding up to get over the hill. And there it was a cute little fishing area that looked like no one used. Except Rip.

Rip pulled over into his trail and cut the four wheeler off. He helped you unload the cooler and the fishing poles from the mini trailer he had pulled behind him.

"You come here often"? You asked, taking the bait from the cooler.

"Yeah. Mostly when I'm feeling stressed. Fishing takes my mind off things". Rip sighed as he could hear the water trickling down to the creek. The birds were chirping and butterflies were flying around us. It was paradise of the country.

"Thank you for bringing me here". You sat down in the edge of the creekside and threw out your line. Rip followed and sat beside you.

"I hope to bring you here more often. That is if we catch some fish. Cause I didnt bring anything else to eat. So you better start reeling them in". Rip chuckled as you sarcastically gasped.

"Nothing? Like at all"?

"No. You better get to fishing". Rip chuckled even louder.

It was about seven thirty. Between the two of you, you had caught one fish. The size of a cocktail weenie.

"I thought you said there were big ones in here? All I'm seeing is shrimpys". You laughed, throwing out your line again.

"Must of scared them away. When we rode up. It's a nice night though". Rip sighed standing up, laying his hand on his fishing pole.

"Whatcha doing"? You asking when he took his boots off.

"Going for a swim, it's hot. You gonna join me"? Rip unbuttoned his shirt and laid it with his hat. Then off came his jeans and then his boxers.

Your eyes widen as you saw IT but then swiftly turned your head back to the creek. A blush covered your whole face. You gulped. "You're naked, Rip".

"Yeah. Havent you ever been skinny dipping"? He laughed walking into the water. Going to the deeper part.

"No. Well, I went in once when I was camping but that was just to take a bath".

"Just think it as taking a bath. But you have me to keep you company". Rip said swimming deeper.

"Alright. Don't look".

"I won't". Rip smirked. Covering his eyes with his hands. But spreading his fingers to spy.

You kicked off your boots and your jeans. Then came your shirt, bra and quickly your underwear. You covered yourself as you walked down to the edge where Rip was and got in.

"You peaked didn't you"? You splashed him.

"I didn't. But you do have a fine ass". Rip laughed, with his tongue handing out.

"Rip Wheeler"! You giggled and playfully jumped on him. Pushing his head down in the water. That back fired and rip picked you up and threw you to the side.

You came to the surface and Rip had a mouthful of water and started spitting at you.

"That's disgusting. You know how many animals and people have peed in this water"?

"I know. I just did. But itll be fine".

"That's so gross". You laugh. Rip swam close to you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him. You rested your hands on his shoulders.

"I really want to kiss you right now. Can I kiss you"?

"Yeah". You kissed his lips before he had the chance. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Rip pulled you even closer. His hand wrapped around your waist and rested on your ass.

You took it even more and wrapped your legs around his waist.

"You sure"? Rip broke the kiss to make sure that you were okay with this. Since this is the first time Rip has ever suggested that he had interest in you.

"Yes. Kiss me again". Rip deepened the his, one hand went to the back of your neck and held it so you would break free. He didnt want the kiss to end.

You smirked into the kiss and snaked your hand down Rips chest down to his semi- hard cock and lined him up to your entrance. Rip thrusted his hips and your head fell back.

"Oh god". You moan, as Rip thrusted again. It felt weird having sex in the water but you didnt want it to stop. Rip put his hand on your hips and held you there thrusting up inside you.

"Fuck you're even more beautiful in the moonlight". Rip grunted his head leaned on your chest. He kissed where he could.

"Oh, Rip". Your arms wrapped around his head, leaving his head nestled between your breasts. "I'm close, baby".

"Cum. I'm on my way". Rip managed to pull his head up to look at you. His eyes never leaving you as you looked down at him. Your lips smashed his as you felt your stomach get tight and a energy buildup and explode. You came over Rips cock.

"Oh fuck". Rip grunted against your lips as he came seconds later. Your pussy clenched around him as your orgasm subsided and he coated your walls.

"That was incredible". You lightly pecked his lips.

"Mmm. We'll do this again. Just give me a second". Rip chuckled sleepily.

"Did you happen to bring a tent"? You kissed all over his face.


"Rip Wheeler. What am I going to do with you"? You giggle laying your head on his shoulder.

"Be with me". Rip whispered.

"Always. I caught the big one". You say. Rip chuckled.

The two of you stayed like that for awhile. Just holding each other and getting to know a lot about one another. It was the perfect way to end a fishing trip.

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