Nature Proposal

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"Hey dad, can I talk to you a second"? Kayce nodded to John. Kayce had a huge question on his mind and he needed everything to go well.

"What do you need, son"?

"I wanna ask Y/N to marry me".

"That's great son, Congratulations". John said with a smile as he squeezed Kayces shoulder.

"I was wondering if I can have moms ring or grandma's? Jamie isnt going to use it and well Lee. Beth isnt going to wear moms ring. So if you're okay with me having it can I"? Kayce asked nervously. He didn't know if John wanted to part ways with his wife's ring.

"Are you sure Y/Ns the girl you want to marry"?

"Yeah, dad. I am. I love her more than anything".

"Good. I just want to make sure, you wont ruin this". John laughed, getting a eye roll from Kayce.

"I wont. I promise".

"I keep her close to me everywhere I go. Here". John pulled out a necklace with the diamond ring hanging on it from his pocket. "This was your grandmothers too". He placed it in Kayces hand.

"Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me to have this to give to Y/N. I appreciate it, dad". Kayce smiled, tears swelling in his eyes.

"You're welcome, son. Now go make that wonderful girl, my daughter n law". John chuckled.

"Yes, sir". Kayce placed the necklace into his jeans pocket and ran off to his horse. He knew where you were and he was heading your way.

"Now kids, this mushroom is toxic. So dont dare eat it unless you plan on hallucinating and then a slow painful death". You warned your class. It was nature day in your classroom and what better way then to explore the Yellowstone ranch.

"Miss Y/L/N, look here". A student called you over at the riverbank.

"Oh look, tadpoles". You gush at the tiny baby frogs.

"Can we take some for our class pets? We'll release them once they grow". Another student suggested getting agreement from the others.

"I dont see why not. But just a few. We dont want them getting loose and jumping around the school". You giggled, bending down to scoop up a few.

"Miss Y/L/N, who's that"?

You turned your head where they were pointing and saw Kayce riding his horse down.

"Wonder why he's here? I'll be back. Look around and explore". You smiled and jogged over to the clearing where Kayce stopped and jumped off his horse.

"Everything okay"? You ran over to him.

"Yeah, everythings fine. I gotta ask you something". Kayce squinted his eyes as the sun beat down.

"It cant wait?  I'm in the middle of teaching". You laugh. Your students started to come out.

"No, it can't. Y/N, I've been wanting to ask you this for a year now". Kayce took off his hat and got down one knee, taking your hand in his.

"Kayce"? You gasped when dug through his pocket and pulled out the ring.

"I've loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you and after I couldnt take them off. I love you with all my heart. Will you do me the honor in becoming my wife"?

"Yes, Kayce. Yes". You clamped your hand over your mouth and sobbed, happy tears.

Kayce grinned from ear to ear and slipped the ring on your finger.

"It's beautiful". You stared at the ring.

"It was my moms and grandmothers. I wanted it to be special for you".

"I love it so much. I love you". You wrap your arms around Kayces neck and kissed him. Kayce wrapped his arm around your waist and lifted you up twirling you around.

"I'm getting married". Kayce happily yelled, throwing his hat in the sky.

Half of your class clapped and the other half ewwed. Making Kayce and you laugh. This couldnt have been a better proposal.

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