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Remus was a little relieved when the boys finally left the compartment. He hadn't minded their company, but he didn't fully appreciate it yet. It took time for him to warm up to things, especially people, and even though they had called him a friend he wasn't quite ready for it to be mutual.

As interesting as the book he was reading was, he ended up falling asleep for the rest of the ride. When the wheels came to a halt and the smoke let out a spew, Remus was shaken awake. He looked up, rubbing his eyes before stretching out his arms, and let out one long yawn. He knew his hair had to have looked even messier than before and his face was probably a sporadic red for it usually was after his naps.

He begrudgingly got up and saw the rest of the students get ready to exit as well. He thought of what Sirius had told him. That he'd get the worst pick of a seat if he had sat in the back on the train. He felt as if he was exaggerating partly, because each section of compartments had a door to be let out. Remus hopped down and then looked to his right. Endless land stretched out, with birds and trees on the skylines. To his left stood the large group of students all boarding down. Now Remus was more keen to believe Sirius. He seemed a full mile apart from the people that were in the front of the train.

Don't sit in the back next time, he made a mental note.

His boat was one of the last to part the land and start the last stretch to Hogwarts. He looked up at the giant castle that looked to be sitting in the clouds. There wasn't much beauty that he could compare it to. It was undeniably one of the best views he had ever seen. The lanterns glowing against the reflection of the water was a sight to see. Remus leaned over and skimmed the water with his slender fingers. It was refreshing. He could only imagine what else this school had to show.


No matter how far Remus had thought his imagination could stretch, it showed to be no match for the sights he was seeing. Giant castle walls, with portraits of people that looked at you in all sorts of directions, even spoke too. Ghosts floating by, speaking to the students with their shiny lips. He attempted to envision how far this school stretched, how long and tall it could go, but his mind could barely wrap his head around it. His old school had only had four floors, and was not nearly as wide. Rivers, tall mountains, and dark forests surrounded Durmstrang, it always seemed secluded and vast. Then there was the bitter cold. The sun barely shone that far North, he had always felt it was hard to shake the frigidness. The only thing that Remus could remotely miss was the smell of the cool saltwater from the arctic ocean. On really windy days, it calmed his senses and made him forget that he was shivering.

The warm undertones, and mellow aesthetic of Hogwarts was in complete contrast to Durmstrang. Those halls were mostly grey, cold cobblestone filling the walls and floor. They had few portraits, but they didn't have a lot to say. They mostly just sat there and stared at you as you walked by, which was an eerie feeling for Remus. Dark Arts being the main emphasis of teaching always set a dull tone to the school. Not to mention his fur coat uniform and red robes. He hated being pictured in that. These halls on the other hand, felt enticing. They almost begged for him to make this year a memorable one.

When everyone had poured into the dining hall, Remus found himself in awe at the place. A sky, a real life image of a sky floating above him. Floating lanterns above the long stretches of tables, and a platform with what looked to be the professors at the front of the room. He felt like the first years in that moment. Craning his head and smiling to himself at the sights that continued to unfold in front of him. There weren't many fires lit at Durmstrang unless they were necessary for magic, so the radiating warmth made Remus feel secure.

He had then realized that he had been walking pretty aimlessly. He snapped back to and saw everyone go to their designated tables. Groups of kids, old and young sat with their houses. Remus then realized he was never assigned a house. Did he miss something in the letter? Was he supposed to have known this prior to arriving?

Carvings and CountdownsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora