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"I'll bet he's in Gryffindor", Sirius said to James as they sat at the table.

"Gryffindor?", James scrunched his face, "No way. Sitting alone, reading a book at the back of the train? He's a Ravenclaw. No doubt in my mind."

"Five sickles on it", Sirius looked to James with a challenging smile.

"Easy money", James smirked, "You're on."

Sirius watched Remus carefully as he walked to the sorting hat and took a seat. He analyzed his expressions as the hat spoke to him.

Please be Gryffindor, Sirius thought. He hadn't discovered as to why yet, but he felt a connection to this boy. He hadn't met many people that were unapologetically themselves. A boy with messy hair, slender shoulders, freckles on the bridge of his nose, and an overpowering smile that he barely let show. He wanted to tap into why he was the way he was, the way he didn't care what people thought of him and seemed to not fret about any social status. He yearned to learn more about him. It was a mystery and a challenge to see him drop his guard, and Sirius was set on being the one to do it.

"GRYFFINDOR!", the sorting hat yelled.

"Shit", James muttered disappointedly at his loss of the bet.

Sirius grinned and watched Remus walk back to the table. Was it relief he felt? Excitement? He couldn't quite grasp it, but he was happy nonetheless.

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