The Meeting.

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(Characters are humanized to make this easier for me to write)

Twilight brushed her hair behind her ear, everyone was staring at her with wide eyes. She was hosting a meeting, she was so tired but she needed to keep her kingdom safe and to do so, she had to host meetings with the council.
"We're gathered here to talk about how to further the safety of our ponies, there have been a few accidents recently that have led to the injuries of our friends, this shall happen no more. We shall inforce laws that make sure you have to test carts multiple times, ect. If you have any questions, come to me." She said. The crowd was silent. After a few more hours of answering questions and listening to people go on and on about safety, she finally left. She went to a café, hungry and in need of caffeine. Usually she didnt leave the kingdom, but she heard about an amazing coffee shop a few blocks away from it. She could excuse this one time.
She left the kingdom quickly, making sure to be as covered as possible so nobody saw the princess leaving. She headed to the coffee shop, adjusting her skirt and skirt as she went in. She looked at the menu, a sweet looking red headed girl stood over her, ready to take her order. Twilight pushed her glasses up her nose.
"I'm margaret, Ill be serving you!" The redhead smiled.
"Oh hi, um.. I'll just have a macchiato and a bagel! Thanks!" Twilight said politely.
"Of course!" Margaret left to get the food.
Twilight pulled her notebook out of her bag, and began to take notes about the meeting that happened, when a gentle hand pulled the notebook away from the table.
"Ha! What a nerd. Why dont you listen to music or something!" A blue haired man stared down at twilight. He looked young and unorganized. His hoodie had a paint stain on the arm, and his sweatpants looked dirty and old, holes had gathered in the knees. He had a beanie covering half of his hair, and a few hair on his chin from his clear attempt to grow a beard.
"Give it back!" Twilight demanded, although her sudden attraction towards the man was quite alarming, she knew she needed the notebook.
"So whats your name pretty girl" The blue haired male chuckled at her frustration.
"Twilight. Twilight Sparkles. Just give me the notebook, it's important." She grunted angrily.
Suddenly margaret came back with the food and drink.
"Mordecai, stop being a jerk and give back the journal!" She said angrily. Mordecai put the journal infront of Twilight and rolled his eyes, walking off with his shorter brunette friend. They wore the same type of clothing. Twilight was mesmerized by Mordecai. She had immediately developed a crush on him. But she knew that a princess couldnt be with a regular outsider.

Words - 491
Thx for reading, i'll update asap! If u came from tiktok hey, ily

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