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(Writing the speech separately from now on)

Twilight woke up, a warm breath burning her neck. She looked behind her and saw Mordecai, quietly snoring. She admired his clearly soft lips and small hairs on his chin. His eyelashes were so long. Suddenly a on the door jerked him awake.

Mordecai: Shit..benson
Rigby: We had to be working by 9!
Twilight: Benson?
Mordecai: Benson is out boss! We work here! Quick hide, he cant know about you!

Just as Mordecai said that, the door swung open. There was Benson, clearly angry. He looked at Mordecai, then Rigby with aggression in his eyes.


Twilight stared in shock at the fuming man in front of them. Mordecai looked terrified, and the same with Rigby. In fact, Mordecai was so scared that he gripped onto twilights hand and was squeezing it tightly. She could tell he was shaking. She began to stroke his hand with her thumb, soothing him slightly. Benson slammed the door after a few more minutes of yelling. Rigby immediately got up and went to the bathroom, leaving twilight and mordecai alone.

Twilight: Hey, would it be better if I leave? I dont want to cause you any more trouble, especially if its gonna make him yell like that.
Mordecai: No, of course not. Im sorry he was yelling, thanks for comforting me by the way!

He smiled at Twilight, causing her to blush. He had noticed. He stared into her eyes, admiring her deeply. He had realized he felt a certain connection towards her that he'd never felt to anyone else. It felt like she was purposefully drawing him in like he was some kind of fish, trapped on the rod. Every time she spoke he felt butterflies in his stomach. Her entire existence was perfect too him. After staring at her for a few minutes he got up and got changed in front of her. He went to give her clothes, but it turned out she had already changed into some. A button up white shirt, and a pink and purple plaid skirt. It was identical to the outfit she wore when they first met in the Cafe.

Twilight: Hey Mordecai.. could I stay here a while? I ran away from home and have nowhere to stay.

Mordecai nodded politely, blushing at her soft words. Of course she could stay, why wouldn't she?

(Sorry for such a short chapter. When I get home from vacation I'll probably make longer ones of these, plus a new and much more serious story. This will more than likely have some dramatic ending so be prepared. Thx for reading ilyy)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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