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I'm so sorry that I'm posting an author's note because I normally hate them with my entire being. But I wanted to post something for people who have asked if I'll update the story. I really want to, but I last read Lord Of The Flies in 8th grade. I'm a junior in high school (11th grade). I've really gotten attached to my main characters, and I'm surprised by the amount of reads I've gotten for an older book like this. I'm planning on rereading the original work and continuing my story. I wrote this in 9th grade so I'll have to find and touch up my old plans for the plot, but I'm kind of excited to write something again. Thank you for the votes and comments, I know it's not a lot but this story is mainly for my own entertainment. Any feedback is strongly encouraged. <3

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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Lord Of The Flies Fanfiction (Cause I'm So Original)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang